Chapter: 5 [The 103rd Finale]

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-Sapphire (the leader)'s POV

Rilow, my last member opened the doors to my chambers. With a delighted grin plastered on his face.

He was always like that, sly, eager to please, and hard to read. But. But, one thing, one negative thing plagued his mind, he never trusts anything, anyone, nobody would come close to his trust. And that made him weak, never fond of my plans, and never fond of his teammates...strange isn't it...the one guy who didn't like his teammates gets to live. At least he didn't die with them.

I gave him my full attention to what he may say, and with his eyes set on mine he says "I've learned the name of the child you want to recruit, along with several good candidates for our losses." A relieved sigh left me, I asked "So what's their names?

Rilow: "The one you want is named (Y/N) (L/N)" "(L/N)..." I repeated. Rilow seemed to ignore it and continued "And for the candidates. They are Euri Charlotte, Anselm Helheim, Edward Stellar, and lastly Ezra Blake"

-(Y/N)'s POV

"So?" I added. Euri coughed to bring my attention.

Euri: "They're a squad made to experiment on new ideas, and new strategies, A suicide squad if you will." Edward widened his eyes, mouth agape he said "that's sounds awful, I wouldn't want to be in that squad"

Euri: "well, they have some good exchanges. For example they can eat whatever they want, all criminal charges are off, they have access to the best equipment amongst all of the squads, and much more"

A/N: Remember, meat is very rare to eat in this world, so eating whatever they want is actually important.

(Y/N) Silently stared at the wall in front of him, and snapped back to reality when Euri touched his shoulder.

(Y/N): "Yes, I get it. But, it's still not good enough for me" Euri smiled subconsciously, she didn't want anybody of her friends to go there. The death rate is much higher than any other squad. Still she couldn't help but feel anxious about it.

Soon enough, cadets had began to leave the cafeteria. Except for a redhead, who was dazing off, and not eating his food properly. That is Ezra Blake the popular kid in this group, he seemed like he was enjoying his alone time.

That caught Edwards' attention who has been looking at Ezra for awhile now.

Edward: "you know, he seems lonely doesn't he?"

Euri: "oh...him" the atmosphere changed once again, changed to frustration, and anger. He was the 'bully' in this group. The popular kid, he had it all, good looks, rich family, and skill. It was ordinary for people like him to turn out like this.

Lunch Time went by quickly, extraordinarily fast. It was time for cadets to receive their marks, their last marks before leaving for battle.

Instructor Sadies: "Now! All Cadets Line Up!!!" Like what he said, everybody gathered up, strategically lined up, everyone had different faces. Anxiety, Worry, and Desperation mixed up among all of the cadets, excluding the lucky few, who were determined, confident, and brave.

Instructor Sadies began his speech of bravery, and courage. Whilst Sapphires' team lined up beside the instructor.

Instructor Sadies: "Let me introduce you to The Top Ten!"

No.10 Estella Aylo

No.9 Alexis lehm

No.8 Robert Elric

No.7 Elijah Leones

No.6 Euri Charlotte

No.5 Edward Stellar

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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