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Sonic and his gang made it to Casino forest but Tails was in the city fixing his robotic friend but was almost attacked by Chaos but luckily another Sonic from another dimension came and defeated Chaos so Sonic and Tails teamed up. Meanwhile Sonic and his gang saw the masked beast that took down sonic so silver went out to fight him. Meanwhile sonic went to investigate a little bit but he received a call from silver informing him he needed help so he ran all the way to silver and saw the masked beast. The masked beast chuckled and says, "I'm not sure I have time for this but in always happy to crush a hero." He darted at silver but sonic knocked him out of the way and punched the masked beast instead. "Time to take a break silver. I got this." Sonic says to silver. The masked beast fixed his mask and says, "well. Look who came back from the dead, Another pathetic hero. It seems I smell fear." Sonic sniffs his underarm and says, "that's not fear, I ran all the way over here." Then sonic began to ask a lot of questions to the masked man but he introduced himself as Infinite. Sonic was very pleased and determined what his powers are but Infinite disagreed and fought him. Luckily, Sonic won and Infinite scoffs and hits him very far away. Sonic was so mad he needed to know what his powers are. Meanwhile, Rookie needed to meet with the group to discuss what had happened but he ran into Tails and Sonic that was from another dimension. Soon they all met up and the original Sonic (OS) agreed to help dimensional sonic (DS).  So they send Rookie to the city to evacuate people and to investigate but Sonic and Silver couldn't go because they needed to heal and Knuckles and the others have other work to do so they chose Rookie.

Rookie pov
It's been very well with the gang but I kinda don't feel welcomed. I never met this 'Infinite' guy but sometimes i will. Idk about Sonic he's pretty kind and funny.. heh. My first 'friend', lately I never had any friends. They use me and treat me like a nerd and useless person so I decided not to make friends but now I found a trustworthy friend. I kinda like Sonic. Anyways I have to do my mission and stop eggman from destroying our home.

Rookie came back again less than an hour and everyone was shocked to see Rookie all in one piece. They highly doubt he would make it but they were wrong. So the gang and Rookie headed off to Metropolis.

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