The End

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Eggman came out of nowhere with his retarded robot.. thing? And shouts, "I didn't believe that Infinite would lose. But I always keep a trump card under my sleeve behold! My giant weirdass robot with the original phantom ruby.. by the way the other phantom ruby are all fake." Tails finally figured out how the phantom ruby works and he received a call from Knuckles informing him there's more enemies: Shadow, Chaos, Zavok, Metal sonic, and Infinite. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Sonic shouts. Eggman chuckles and know himself will win for sure, Sonic takes a step forward saying, "your plan will fail just like the rest of your other plans, sitting on a pile of busted robots and wondering 'How You Fail So BADLY!'" Along with Dimension Sonic and Rookie. "Let's do this" Sonic encourages while Tails cheered on. Dimension Sonic was first to battle Eggman, he was placed in a virtual reality knowing as a type of game called tennis. Eggman threw 2 huge balls at DS but he jumped and hit the balls back at eggman destroying the phantom ruby in him. The second stage was Rookie aka you. Eggman rebooted and fire missiles at you but you used your astroid weapon to shield yourself and attacked the leftover robots that surrounded you. Eggman smashed his giant robot hand at create a force sending you back but you use your grabbing hook.. thing? And hit his phantom ruby until he broke down. Meanwhile he made another robot that looks like a type of spider with 3 heads?.. anyways all three people: Sonic, Dimension Sonic, and Rookie. They all ran after eggman while Knuckles encourages then to win. Eggman fired lasers but they jumped and dodged them and used sonics high speed and were St eggman so they all fired St him and each one hit eggmans robotic head. They continue to do the same thing until he was weak. They all fired at eggman with full speed and destroyed the robot. They had won the war and soon the phantom people all disappeared. "Alright! We won! I knew we could do it!" Knuckles cheered and so everyone cheered for there victory. Then moments later the Gang and Dimension Sonic was beginning to leave so he gave Tails a fist bump.

The gang were back in their lab talking, Knuckles came in and says, "Finally an end to this nightmare, now we can go home and relax." Silver interrupted and says, "hold on. There's more going on. We're just getting started." Knuckles agreed but Rookie needed to leave the gang so he made a sign knowing hes leaving. "What? Y-your leaving? There are people who need you." Knuckles try to let him stay but he shrugged and says, "ok. I'm not going to stop you." The gang congratulated Rookie.. but they don't need to call him that but they appreciate his help.

Meanwhile again
Rookie met up with Sonic at the city but it was a short silence until sonic broke the awkward silence by saying, "so your leaving huh? You know. to always keep going, yeah?" Then he turns to Rookie smiling and saying, "heh. You and I are not so different. See ya.. buddy" along with a fist bump. Rookie smiles and blushes, running off and using his 'grabling hook' to soar into the open.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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