Chapter Nine

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   " Justin, wake up and get ready" Harry tapped Justin's shoulder as he slept, cuddling with a huge teddy bear. " Noo" whined Justin, earning an eye roll from his father.

  " Babe c'mon, it's already 7 in the morning and we only have one hour"

   " One hour for what?" Justin sat up tiredly, pouting, already missing the warmth of his bed and teddy. " It's Sunday"

   " The appointment, remember?" Justin thought for a while, before he glared at Harry. " I'm not going anywhere to kill my baby"

  " Justin-"

  " I thought we were over this! Why don't you get it? I won't fucking kill my baby!" He screamed. " I won't live without them!"

   " Justin watch your language and I give you five seconds to get down from that bed and start getting ready before I do it myself"

  " Fuck off dude! I'm not going" glared Justin.

  Harry scoffed, rushing in and grabbing Justin's arm, pulling him out of the bed. Justin screamed, but Harry ignored, dragging him into the bathroom as he struggled and kicked. " Justin if you don't stop struggling I swear I'm gonna drag you to the doctor's place in your pajamas"

   " No please don't kill my baby!" Justin kicked Harry's stomach, and that was the breaking point. Harry grabbed him, putting him over his shoulder with a little bit of struggle since the boy didn't stop struggling. He screamed, hitting Harry's back repeatedly.

" Stop. It." Harry slapped his ass twice, hard. And Justin was sobbing already.

   As the boy screamed, Harry took him out of the house and closed the door with one hand. As he turned around, he gasped, as Luise stood in his front porch, a cigarette in his hand. Harry glared. " This is how you 'raise' our son?" Luise raised an eyebrow, as Justin hung from Harry's shoulder, screaming and kicking. Tears streamed from two hair locks because his upper body was upside down on Harry's shoulder. Justin was too busy trying to get down he didn't focus on the other man and Luise could barely see Justin's face because his face was hidden behind Harry's back.

  " What's it to you?" Harry spat, taking Justin towards his car and trying to put him inside but since he struggled so much, he ended up on his ass on the lawn.

  " Harry?" Luise snapped, running towards them to help the poor boy but Harry has already shoved him in the car and locked the doors. The car Windows were tinted so Luise couldn't see the kid.

  " Why do you revenge from me so much?! Why wouldn't you let me see my son?!"

  " I don't know" Harry faked to think." Maybe because you fucked up my life so much and left me with a baby?" He spat.

  " It was million fucking years ago, Harry. Please get over it." Luise begged.

  " Then I was hurting million fucking years, Luise! I can't get over it" Harry spat, walking to the driver's side and getting in, speeding down the road.

  " Get out Justin" Harry sighed. Justin was too weak to even cry anymore. " I hate you, Harry, you're not my dad anymore"

  " Justin-"

  " Save it. Just take me there and kill my baby. Then you'll be happy"

  " Sweetie I-"

  " me and my baby will leave you forever, so you'll be happy alone forever."

  Harry couldn't take it anymore. He broke into tears. " Baby I only want to keep you safe-"

  "  You want to kill my baby because you hate them. Because you hate me... You would've killed me if you knew the delivery was going to hurt you so much-"

   " Fuck it, alright you won! Keep the fucking baby and I won't be crying if you die at the delivery!" Harry spat, cutting him off.

    Justin stared at him wide eyed, before he squealed so loud and high pitched that Harry was sure his ear drums busted. " I love you so much daddy!! You're the best of fucking best!"

  Justin jumped on Harry's lap, kissing Harry on everywhere his mouth reaches and bouncing on his lap, hugging him. Harry has never seen him so happy. " Language!" Harry tried to be strict, but couldn't help smiling seeing his son's happiness. " Alright, but now we're going to go home and feed that tummy of yours because the baby is going to kick your ass if you don't feed them."

  " Healthy food?" Justin pouted.

  " If you want the baby, yes." Harry smirked.

  " Fine" huffed Justin. " Justin, having a baby is not simple like you think. You have to be responsible. We're going to discuss this at home once you've eaten. Okay?"

  " Okay dada" Justin giggled, rubbing his tummy that was still flat. " You have to listen to me and I have a lot of rules because this is not a normal pregnancy." Harry sighed, praying that it'll go right because he really didn't want to lose his baby boy.

  " I wanna be a dad like you" Justin spoke. Harry chuckled." You just said that I wasn't your dad anymore" he teased.

  " I was angry" Justin blushed. Making Harry coo and squeeze his cheeks. " You must be the only person who looks so cute being angry. "

" I wanna look scary when I'm angry, just like you, daddy. So my baby will listen to me"

  " I bet they're going to control you. You can never be scary, babe" Harry laughed.

  " I love you, daddy"

  " Aw I love you too, Angel" Harry kissed his forehead.

  Justin sat in the passenger seat, buckling up, as Harry started driving. " Daddy?" Justin spoke suddenly.

  " Yes baby?"

  " Umm.. I know you were lying when you said my mom was dead. But if you're my mom, where's my dad?" Harry's heart sank at the question. He cleared his throat.

  " He's dead" Harry said.

" Oh" Justin looked down." How-"

  " I don't wanna talk about him anymore. Justin. He's dead and that's it. He's not worth your sympathy. he's a monster." He snapped. Justin looked down, nodding. " Justin, there's a guy I know, he hates me so much and he wants to take you away from me because you're the only thing I have. He wants to hurt me, so he will try to talk to you... Tell you that he's your dad. But don't believe him. He's just a lier, and he's very dangerous. Please if an stranger tries to talk to you, don't talk with them, okay? "

  " How do you know he'll try to tell me I'm his son?"

  Harry bit his bottom lip." he told me he would" he sighed." He might kill your baby, too. So please don't go near anyone who's trying to get your attention."

  Justin's eyes widened." I won't"

Harry sighed in relief." Good boy" he smiled.


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