14. Trend

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Sports Festival is an event to showcase various schools' competitive spirit.


The Sports Festival is held in Capital City, in its stadium. Second-year students have to travel there and stay in the Hotel, if one doesn't have relatives or residences in the area to live in. I live in the Hotel, along with most people, while hoping this Hotel lives up to its five stars.

This Hotel has enough rooms for two schools to coexist. Coincidentally or not, I find out the other school which lives in this hotel is Horo and Scopus Rasalhague's former school. It's...quite a surprise, to me. Their former school is better than our school! Why would they transfer? For me? Or, for Venus Myrtle?

Interestingly, the twins' former schoolmates are friendly with us. There is one particular girl who stands out too. She is Neptune Larissa, the twins' other fiancée candidate. With the other being me, you know, according to what my Mom planned.

I want to go home.

Or not. Because Mom will be at home.

How do I know this Neptune is the Rasalhague's fiancée candidate? I did say she stands out. How did she stand out? She introduced herself just like that, to me, as the Rasalhague's fellow fiancée candidate.

You can't just out me like this! I want to faint and be admitted to the Hospital! I don't want any of this! Besides, I never agreed to it! Seriously, I need to contact the twins' parents. ASAP. I have delayed the inevitable for long enough.

"Do you hear that?"
"Why is it her again?"
"The Rasalhague twins too...?"
"What about Miss Myrtle then?"
"How many does she want?"

Mars Deimos, being the bold one, straight up runs to me to cling on my shoulder to whisper excitedly, "Tell me the details. Details! I can work with this plot!"

Ignoring Mars, I address Neptune semi-politely, "Are you crazy? I am not," regarding her introduction. I have no idea how she knows about me, but I sure know I don't want to get further involved in this matter.

Neptune catches herself in time from dropping her jaw. I push Mars off from my shoulder and walk away, impassively. When I see that Space Antares wants to come to my side, I shoot him a glare. Stay put. I don't need the other school, or Neptune, to see them right now. It will diminish the effect I am trying to impart!

It's not like they won't hear about my four male friends from my schoolmates though. Sooner or later. For now, just let me shine proudly as I make my way back to the Hotel room I share with Mars.

What a bother. As if one Saturn Enceladus who pursues Galaxy Pollux is not enough. Now comes another one, relating to the twins, who are completely not involved with me! At! All!

While we are not together in the body, we are together in the chatrooms. In Galaxy's [Sports Festival] chatroom, they ask about me.

Galaxy [You all right? @Mercury]

Mercury [Completely caught off guard]

Space [They seemed nice]

Space [But just like the twins]

Space [They only look nice]

Asterism [They actually didn't do anything wrong]

Cosmos [We just have to make sure we win against their school]

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