7 - Secrets

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I know the last chapter was pretty short compared to the rest of them, so I wanted to update as soon as I could. Hope you enjoy!

As soon as he left, I sat down on the floor and got wrapped up in thoughts. How did this even happen? Is this considered wrong since he is my old teacher? Sorry, past teacher. I don't want him to feel old again. I still couldn't understand. I've never actually thought of us like that. Ever. What if he tells someone? Will this be our secret?

I got up from the floor about five to ten minutes later to go look for him. I walked around the house for a bit and then checked his room last. He was sitting on his bed looking at something in his hand. I slowly opened the door more and walked in. He was dressed now... thank god.

"It was 14 years ago when it happened." His voice made me jump. I sat by him on the bed. He had his phone in his hand and on it was a picture of a girl. "What's wrong?" He looked at me and back at the photo. "You look so much like her." There was a moment of silence before he spoke again, "I had a girlfriend, well... we were supposed to get married. But then there was an incident. She was killed by a villain. She wasn't that much of a pro hero, but enough to be known. She had a quirk similar to yours. She manipulated earth, heated it up or froze it to melt it or make it turn as hard as steel." I didn't know what to say.

I didn't know where he was going with this. "She was poisoned. Kidnapped just like you were. She was found with liquid on her face too. I'm afraid whoever did that to her is the same person who did it to you." He turned his phone off and looked at me. His eyes were watery. He stared ahead of him. "I regret doing that to you." I looked at him. "Mic, it's...fine." He shook his head and got up and walked to his dresser. He crossed his arms and looked in the mirror. I got up. "I'll give you some time. I don't want to say anything I'll regret."

I walked out of the room and closed the door for him. I walked back to the room I was staying in and almost lost my way there. I sat there and pulled out my phone to look into this accident. Present Mic wasn't as big as he is now back then. It didn't become a huge case. There were some suspects on the page, but there was one who resembled the one guy at the party. I carefully took notes on what he looked like. Soon enough I got tired.

I put the room back together and organized everything. I felt like cleaning again, but my body kept telling me no. I still had him on my mind. The poor guy. I laid down on the bed and plugged my earbuds in to listen to music.

I must have had it pretty loud. One ear was on the pillow while the other one had an earbud in it. It was kind of muffled, but I heard Mic talk. I thought he said something outside my door. I sat there another couple of seconds and I saw Mic walk in front of me and lay down next to me. I jumped when I saw him. "Jesus, Hizashi!" He laughed. "I'm sorry, I got a little lonely." I sat there looking at him. I felt my eyes get droopy. "You look tired." He wrapped his hand around my cheek. I tried talking. "This, still.....f-feels..weird. I don't.," then I continued to mumble. He giggled. "You sleep now. I'll see you later." He got off and pulled my hair behind my ear. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up and it was dark outside. I wonder how long I've been out? It shouldn't have been that long, I guess. I got up and looked at the time. It was 2 am. Jesus Christ. I walked to Mic's room to see if he was sleeping. He wasn't in his bed. I wander around some more. I go to the fridge to see what there is to munch on. I only found tea in there, even though I can't drink it. I grabbed the bottle and walked around some more, I didn't feel tired anymore. I found the light on in his studio.

He was sitting at a table writing stuff down. I sat next to him and startled him. "Dang! I guess you got your revenge!" I laughed. "Well, I had to get you somehow." We sat in silence some more.

"So, about this whole situation." He looked up at me and then back at the paper. I heard him mumble a little. "What?"

"I said, I really do like you. But this whole situation...it's awkward." I shrugged my shoulders. "So do we like, tell Ashlyn and Madalyn? Or like...." I felt really awkward talking to him just like this. He went silent for a little bit. "Well," he finally said, "do you mind that, uh, we do this?" I shrugged again. It's a habit. "Um. I mean I don't see why not. I mean, I've never thought about us like that. I do like you too. And yeah." I rambled a bit. He got up and grabbed my hands. "I promise to never hurt you and to always protect you, just give me a chance to prove it."

I felt myself blush. I'm still not used to all of this. I want to say yes. I REALLY want to say yes. Something is telling me no, though. I ignore that tiny little voice in me and say yes. I pulled his hands around me and hugged him. "Of course. I don't see why not."

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