A Grimm master

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Me: Cinder run!

She nodded and ran off somewhere to hide, i turned my attention back to the bandits and fought back against them.

We had been on a journey when our transport was attacked and ransacked my bandits.

I cut one down when i saw a large red blade come for me. I leant back evading it when i activated my semblance. I looked to my attack and saw a woman

She had long black hair and red eyes, she had black and red armour and a cut on her left temple. I realized that it was Raven, and it seems the wants revenge.

Raven: YOU!

Me: Oh you again, forgive me but it's hard to remember the name of someone so weak

She scowled and dashed at me, i readied myself to counter her attack but when i blinked she disappeared. I felt a slash at my back, turning i didn't see anything.

I heard the sound of rusting and turned to see a raven flying at me. It transformed into Raven and she swung her blade, i blocked it and she transformed again and flew into the shrubbery.

The bandits around me had begun to open fire at me and i was able to deflect some shots although others would graze my skin. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

I looked down and saw i had a gaint red blade piercing through me. They stopped firing as i could hear Raven walking from behind me as i held the blade.

Raven: Finally, i'm able to avenge my tribe!

Me: Ha *Cough* You had to use others kill a one eyed man, that's weak-

Raven: Shut up!

She punched me across the face making em fall to me knees. I spotted Cinder hiding behind a tree and i sneakly gave her a thumbs up as she nodded and ran off.

Raven: Tell me where that girl is!

Me: Instead of focusing on other girls, why don't you go home and be a mother to Yang

Raven: W-What? How do you know about her!?

Me: I know a lot about you and you're friends, your ex Taiyang, your best friend Summer, your brother Qrow. When you get the chance, ask Ozpin why he had me slaughter your tribe.

I pushed out the sword and shot myself in my head with my crossbow. I teleported away and appeared next to Cinder who was crying.

Cinder: Y/N!

She latched onto me and hugged me ad tight as her arms would allow her, i hugged her back as she nestled her head into the crook of my neck.

Over the years i had taken care of Cinder we developed a bond of sorts, like a father and daughter.

She had refered to me as such when she was younger but as she got older she became more serious and cynical. I had no idea why, i did everything i could for her but she began acting cold towards me

Regardless, she soon became infatuated with power. She wanted to be strong and make all others fear her, but she would always compare herself to me.

Honestly, i'm not even that great. My previous fighting styles had focused around my smaller stature but as i physically aged i grew taller and they became less viable.

But it was times like this that proved she still cared for me. It must have been a shock for her as i hadn't told her about my semblance.

Honestly i'm glad that i can't see very well at the moment because i'd hate to see her cry. I raised her head and slid my hand up to her cheek and reached up, wiping her tears away.

You Won't Have To Worry Anymore: Salem x male reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now