e i g h t

587 31 10

c u t i^

does anyone still read this?

The same thing went on for a week. Eunhyun would stalk them, and they'd put on a show that they were dating.

Today, Seunghoon and Daewon were sitting in the back, as per usual. Daewon was leaned against Seunghoon as Seunghoon held him. It was a free period as the teacher had to go to a meeting.

They totally didn't cuddle because they liked each other's warmth. They did it because Eunhyun still didn't believe they were together.

All of a sudden the lights went out. Daewon, being afraid of the dark, sniffled and clung to Seunghoon. "I-I'm s-sc-cared, h-hyu-ung."

Seunghoon held him close until the lights came back on. When the lights did, Eunhyun laughed at Daewon. "Poor child still afraid of the dark. So stu-" she was cut off by Seunghoon standing up and dragging her away from a crying Daewon and into the hallway.

"I don't ever want to see you around him again. Do you fucking understand me? He is afraid of the dark, boo-fucking-hoo. I swear on everything I own, if you make him shed a tear again, you are dead," he told Eunhyun, walking back inside the classroom to comfort the crying Daewon.


I know it's short for the two weeks I've been away. I'm sorry. i love you all💕

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