Chapter 16

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Do y'all know Boku no Hero Academia? I have an oneshot book dedicated to that! If you want to, go and check it out! I appreciate it!


Isaiah 63:7
"I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, and the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses."

When the ringing in your ear stopped, you slowly opened your eyes. The mansion was on fire. That bomb was strong, that's for sure.

"CARL!!!!" You heard Markus shout, an anonymous figure going into the house. You thought it was Markus, until you saw Markus running after them.

You coughed as you covered your mouth, preventing the ashes from going into your nose.

Your pulled your lip between your teeth. You couldn't believe that you were dumb enough to do that...but could you really blame yourself? You kicked it out of instincts in a random direction, and that random direction just so happens to be the house.

Immediately, you stood up and tried to go after Markus, to see if Carl is okay. However, you were stopped by Leo.

"Don't." Leo said, he was trying to act calm, but he isn't. His father was in trouble, of course he would feel disturbed. "You're unarmed, and it's dangerous for you to go in. It's best that you should run away."

"But, Carl--!"

" (Y/n), " Leo placed both of her hands on your shoulders, "I'm sure they wanted us to go! You should run away and call 911. Don't come back, and I'm not saying this out of spite, but the government will surely want you to get arrested for causing all this destruction. Run. Away. We'll clear your name for you."

It took all your might to listen to Leo and turn away from the chaos you have made.

Leo watched as you leave the scene, before turning around and save his father.

You ran, going to the train station. You already called 911, and you're now going to the place you knew it would be safe.

The abandoned building near Jericho.

There are no guards patrolling the area, and that's the best place you can find. You had taken a glance of it while walking around the ship.

It was twilight when you arrived. Apparently, you had to parkour. Most of the platforms are old and rusty, it's precarious to step on it, but you had no choice.

Slowly, you jumped from one place to another. You almost fell, but you managed to hold onto a bar before you do.

Once you were up though, You were out of breath and tired.

You wished that you had never kicked that bomb. You wish you weren't so stupid.

You sullenly ventured further into the unknown area..

Eventually, you entered a room. Weak, you leaned against the ruined wall, and sighed. You wiped your sweat. You only had a pocket knife, and a few dollars. You're probably wanted, so what's the point? You should just hand yourself in.

You curled up into a ball, tears threatening to spill as you pulled your lip in between your teeth.

Everything just never seemed to be perfect.

You lost your brother, because of you. You were kidnapped, because you're reckless. You got Connor killed, because you weren't able to change him. You kept on bothering Carl, because you were pathetic, and you possibly Injured Carl and the others because of the bomb you kicked.

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