Arc 4.28 Queen Mother

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Arc 4.28 Queen Mother

About six hours later, the secretary was declared to have successfully given birth to a healthy baby boy to the Aldebaran head's happiness.

Throughout the entire wait, Nile was wracking his brain on a whole bunch of ways to pacify his wife who kept throwing more and more unjustified accusations toward him. But rather than feeling slightly wronged, Nile always maintained a stoic expression characteristic of the original as he attended to her demands with eyes full of doting.

The boy was named Samuel before immediately being transported to the nursery after his parents had seen enough of him.

When he was being carried out, Alex couldn't help but wrinkle her brows at how ugly and raisin-like the baby was.

Her little baby would definitely be a thousand times cuter than that.

As the people who were formerly waiting in the hallway for the delivery to finally finish filtered into the room, they were met with the Aldebaran head sitting with a loving look beside the secretary on his own chair. His hand wrapped warmly around her own as his other hand gently caressed the woman's flushed cheek.

Nile and Alex showed no particular interest or reaction to the scene while Alice and the mistress's perfect masks showed signs of cracking.

Only when the head realized others had entered the room did he look up and paste on his flattering business smile as he stalked his way to Nile, the man he was looking forward to seeing the most that day.

Holding out his hand, his booming voice resounded in the room, "Nile! Thank you for taking your time to come today, I appreciate it."

But who was Nile? He kept his arm wrapped around Alex while his free hand remained tucked securely in his pant pocket. However, to make it known that he had indeed heard and noticed the other man's gesture he directed his blank gaze to the outstretched hand in front of him.

Knowing that the Betelgeuse heir was trying to make things difficult for him, the head could only awkwardly retract his hand and force a dry laugh.

Then he glared at Alex, who he assumed told Nile only bad things about himself and ruining their first impression of each other.

He was also trying to threaten her with his eyes to introduce them to each other since Nile was obviously not having it done on his own.

Unfortunately Alex could care less about what someone else wanted her to do, so she pretended to be clueless as she blinked her eyes that were staring back into her "father's."

To the head's surprise, instead of becoming annoyed by her lack of an introduction, Nile smiled! Infuriated, the slag dad really wanted to hit something!

Thankfully he had a more conscientious daughter, as Alice took it up for herself to introduce Nile. She didn't have the guts to hold his arm or even get close to the man, but it was just an introduction so she didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so from a distance.

"Dad, this is Nile from the Betelgeuse military family. Nile, this is my dad, Saul Aldebaran," she batted her lashes shyly with a sickeningly sweet smile when she turned to Nile to introduce the man to her father.

After that was done, Saul couldn't hide the proud smile creeping up his face but as to why he felt so smug nobody knew.

On the other hand, the slowly lifting mood in the room was instantly thrown back down as Nile just stood in silence refusing to acknowledge anyone else aside from the girl in his arms.

By this point, of course Saul knew that Alex had brought Nile to ruin the celebratory birth day of his first son! His face turned a shade of red in anger as his figure shook and he was about to drive his ungrateful eldest daughter out of the room.

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