|72| to freedom

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The chapters from here get longer, since we are approaching the end :)

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I press my ear up against the door to listen for anybody walking past. There's been nothing but silence for the past thirty minutes... Best time to escape.

I peek through the gap to check for a golden light but instead I'm met with the blackness of the guard's suit jacket. He's been in the same position all night.

"Great." I back away.

My eyes wander the room in hopes of another way out. It's so dark in here, all light comes from the large glass window presenting stars and black clouds that tell me the time when a clock cannot...

.....It's the only way.

I remove the cushiony slippers from my feet and hurry over to the window before unhooking the handles and slowly drawing them open. With only an inch of separation, the harsh wind blasts my robe like a flag, as well as every curtain in the room.

Expecting to see a balcony when I peak my head, my soul leaves my body and vision bounces when I'm faced with a never-ending pit to the ground, 200 feet up in the air.

Ohhhhhh hell no.

I thought I was on the third floor or something! That bastard really put me at the very top of the mansion?!

This is... Insane... But I can't just sit up here feeling sorry for myself until Jaebum comes back. I've got to do something...

My right foot slowly creeps onto the ledge. I hold the position and pace my breaths before following with the other foot.

With a hand still latched around the wall, I flip over so that my stomach and chest cling to it. The wind instantly attacks my clothes and hair, making it hard to see past the loose strands. The harsh howling wind sounds like scrunching paper to my ears as I carefully begin to shimmy across the ledge.

Don't look down... Don't look down... That's all my brain keeps repeating... but of course my chin disobeys and hangs over the sill, giving the impression that my whole body will crash forward with it. That's when my heart pumps dangerously fast and mouth becomes breathless. The trees that guard the mansion below me wave in unison, as if inviting me to fall.

"Oh my god oh my god of my god..." I keep going with shaky knees and clammy hands.

Once I've made it a fair distance, I hug the wall corner whilst elongating my right leg until my toes successfully meet the ledge below. With a sigh of relief, I carefully lower myself onto the ledge and keep moving. That's it Lilo... One baby step at a time...

Prayers run through my minds with every move I make. Even the most harmless of winds feel like they could knock me off at any moment. Despite being so high in the air it feels like I can't breathe, yet I can't stop panting.

I lower my leg a second time... When suddenly my sole slips.

"—Ahh!!" My body comes crashing down against the beds of wind under me until my fingers latch onto another sill, now three stories high. I throw my other hand up so that I'm hanging from the building with dangling legs and weighing feet.

I'm trying to hoist myself up with gritted teeth but the ledge is too narrow to meet my foot. My fingertips turn white from the pressure until—


"Oh no... no no no..."


I let out a yelp when my fingers lose grip of the weak wood and I fall all the way to the lowest balcony. An intense throbbing pain shoots my back when it meets the cold stone but I try not to make noises. Luckily the fall wasn't as high as where I started.

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