5.3 Not A Smart Scholar

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"I... Lang Yuan!" A voice that slightly trembled announced. "... I can tell your future!"

What the fu-

The person who do not know how to sing, do not know how to dance, do not know anything other than to shake his head knows how to read the future? He must by lying ba! Even those people who didn't know about this weakness did not believe him. Aside from a priest and a sage, can anyone just simple read futures?

The fat man thought that Lang Yuan will show something incredible but only made a stupid mistake. He was worried for a while. But now, he is pretty much sure that Lang Yuan will meet his end now. The fat man made and respectful bow as if happy to receive the future empress's request.

"This servant thanks the majesty," the fat man saluted.

Lang Yuan nodded, proudly showing his worth. But inside him is a trembling rabbit who is about to reach his anxiety gauge. Lang Yuan isn't the type to show off. If things get worst, his anxiety attack might happen. Though this time Lang Yuan only thought of surviving.

Who cares about his social problem? Who cares about these people watching him? If by showing off will bring him a comfortable future then so be it. Lang Yuan is a natural fighter. If only his complication didn't made that threshold...

"Future is defined as an event that will happen before the present time. To tell the future is to predict what will happen before it happen," Lang Yuan said. "Give me a set of cards and I will present how to read the future."

And so the requested cards came. The owner of the houses handed Lang Yuan a set of sixty four cards. Everyone remained silent. The emperor watched the youth with interest. Zhong Song inched closer to the emperor with a frowned expression.

"Qin-ge, what is he doing?" Zhong Song whispered.

"I don't know," the emperor shrugged. He might know everything but hell he has no idea what Lang Yuan is scheming. "Let's just watch."

"I'm just worried," Zhong Song added.

"Why? You're not the one who's presenting." The emperor said.

"Did you not understand? If he really has the ability to read future, don't you think it will pose more danger towards him? More people will want to take him," Zhong Song pointed out.

"Then? You think I can't protect him?"

That was an understatement. Zhong Song just rolled his eyes out and zips his mouth. He forgot. His half-brother is a narcissist. He has the power to protect so why doubt. Zhong Song returned to his position and silently watches Lang Yuan's performance.

Right now, Lang Yuan called the fat man. A low table was placed in the middle of the stage. He gave the set of cards to the fat slug. Two more people are called in the middle to serve as an overseer. When everything was set, Lang Yuan gave them some instruction.

"You will shuffle the cards. Shuffle it the way you like it, and how many times you wanted it. Don't show the cards to me. Make sure that anybody can see it but not me. Then place the deck back on the table. Pick a card from the shuffled deck. Then I will guess what card you pick without looking at it."

Lang Yuan's voice is clear and loud that everyone heard it. Despite his earlier trembling, now that Lang Yuan is focused on doing this thing made him look different. JiDan saw this expression before. When Lang Yuan wears it, it means that a miracle will happen. The emperor heard his son hummed.

"You know what your mother will do?" He asked the child.

"Nope," JiDan replied. "But I'm sure it is something worth watching."

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