Nov. 12th (4/4)

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"Your boyfriend's not here to watch you work." The nosey girl chirped upon entering the kitchen, passing a customer's order to the chef before approaching Caleb.

Caleb put up the plate he had just finished washing and then went on to wash another one.

He didn't feel like talking about it.

"Are you guys okay?"


"People only say peachy when they're being sarcastic about things being okay." The blonde prodded with a small smile.

Once again, no reply.

She sighed. "Fine. Don't talk about it. Just know that holding it in doesn't help. Not with anything. If something is going on between you two, holding in your feelings isn't good. You can still talk to someone even if it isn't him."

And then she left.

And Caleb felt bad because she made sense.

Why didn't he want to talk to Minho?

Maybe it was because he never showed emotion. So it was hard to tell if anything that was being said was getting through to him.

Or maybe something about the older intimidated him. Could it be the fact that he could kill him with little-to-no effort if he got angry?

Talking solved all problems. If the leaders of two feuding countries came together and learned to communicate and compromise like adults and leaders, wars could be avoided.

If two people talked about their problems instead of resorting to violence immediately, fights (and more problems) could be avoided.

If a couple talked about their problems instead of just bottling them up or acting like children, their relationship would last.

Caleb liked Minho. He did. Yes, the older was dangerous.

Or he could be dangerous.

But he could be sweet.

Caleb wanted things between them to last as long as possible. And he didn't want something as simple as this to break them up.

If they couldn't get over this successfully, then how would they get over other stuff in the future successfully?

Caleb had been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed that the water in the sink was now overflowing into the next sink.

He sighed and turned it off.

I need to talk to Minho.


Caleb had been very surprised to see Minho walk into the diner and take a seat at his usual table. But he didn't even cast him a glance. He just sat down and pulled out his phone.

Like he didn't want to be there. Like he had been forced to do so.

Caleb sent a glance in the clock's direction and then looked at Alanna, who was looking at him with a stupid smile on her face.

"If you want, you can go. We'll get everything else done. You already prepped and did the dishes so there's not much to do. Just let the Man know."

Caleb smiled and thanked her before putting up his stuff and then clocking out before leaving.

He walked over to Minho, still a bit agitated that he was paying more attention to his phone than him.

So he sat down and glared at his boyfriend. "Minho, I'm ready to leave."

Still no eye contact. But he got a response. "It's not 12 yet. We leave when your shift is over."

Not this shit again.

"No. We leave when I've clocked out and stated that I am ready to leave. And I've already done both, babe."

No response.

Caleb let out a growl and stood. "What-fucking-ever. If you just came to be a dick, forget it. I'll walk home by myself. You're acting like you were forced to come pick me up."

And before Minho could say anything, Caleb left, the bell on the door signalling his departure ...

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