Special Short: Haunted Bathroom

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                                 Special Short: Haunted Bathroom

"Alright, so we're here today to confirm if the rumors are true about the haunted bathroom in J High." Jace spoke, his fingers clasped together, both index fingers pointed up and brought together over his nose.

Vasco, Jace, Daniel, Mira, and Zack were the only ones at school this very night. It was October 31st (I'm aware it's not October 31st but bare with it, this is why this is fiction), midnight, and the four were only armed their cell phones and Vasco with the supplies for summoning.

Zack feigned bravery as he asked, "So what's the story of the bathroom?"

"The story goes that there were two school boys who were in love with each other, but society wasn't accepting of them. So to hide their relationship, they'd meet up often in the bathroom. One time they were caught by another student, who they pleaded not to tell anyone about their secret. The student pretended to be on their side at the time and told everyone once he left the bathroom. One homophobic student was so enraged that he came to school with a semi-automatic. Once the couple was in the bathroom after school one day, the student cornered them and gunned them both to death in cold blood. The killer was never caught but committed suicide, the spirit of the killer is said to haunt the school from the guilt of killing the two." Jace said.

"I'm surprised the killer haunts the school and not, you know.... the ghosts of the couple." Mira said.

"The two died in peace with each other, they have no reason to stay here." Jace remarked.

"The ghost of the killer is said to show up in the mirror, to summon him you to use a lit candle and hold a note, making sure that it's illuminated by the candle, up to the mirror in red ink with the words, 'I know what you've done' and read the words in an accusing tone," Vasco stated as he shuddered, he held up the candle that was to be used for lighting, "The killer is said to appear behind you in the reflection, with the same gun he used aiming right at your head, to avoid being killed you must blow out the candle as soon as you see him appear and duck but if you don't you are killed the same way as the couple did, a point-blank head shot."

Daniel shuddered once he heard the ill-fated consequence but Zack, trying to impress Mira said, "Hah, that story is stupid. Wouldn't the teachers catch you if you have a gun right away?"

Jace retorted back, "Remember the Mother's portait, Zack? And remember you wet your pants? We all know you're scared out of your mind!"

Zack blushed furiously as he hoped that wouldn't be brought up again especially in front of Mira, "Hey, shut up Dumbo! At least I signed my name like I said I would!"

"Yeah, but on the window! Not the portrait!"

"At least it was somewhere!"

Mira, not wanting a fight to break out quickly interjected, "Don't worry, Zack. We all get scared at times."

Daniel meanwhile shuffled awkwardly as Vasco held back Jace and Mira held back Zack.

"Daniel's brave! Maybe he should try confronting the killer!" Vasco said once he looked over at Daniel.

"What? Me? N-no way!" Daniel said as he thought, 'I'm horrible with occult stuff! And I might die if I do it wrong!'

But it was three against one, Daniel against his will was chosen to attempt to summon the killer.

Jace wrote the note using his phone for light, Zack pulling out his lighter to light the candle.

The four walked to the haunted bathroom, Daniel holding the candle with one hand and the note in the other.

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