[A/N: (MUST READ) Whoops...]

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[Heyo, guys!

So, the part after this is actually the second part of the previous chapter, but still the same episode. I just did this because I thought you wouldn't be updated if I edit the scenes one by one into the same chapter.
So I'm going to divide this episode by 5  and all of them are going to be just as long as the previous one.
Basically, a continuation.

By the way, if you don't know, I made some changes and updates to the ending of the last part of Episode 1: Back In Black (Part I), so feel free to read it because you won't be able to catch up with the Part 2...


P.S. I'm not going to edit a chapter anymore and just straightforward create a new chapter if ever I'm supposed to add some scenes.

Okay. Siiya!]

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