Chapter 15: Finito

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5th December 2018

2:31 p.m


Mahogany stood up from her desk and cleared it, placing all her books in her bag

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Mahogany stood up from her desk and cleared it, placing all her books in her bag. She pushed the chair under the table and gave her teacher a smile before exiting the classroom. Today she decided on walking to school. Despite it being cold, she still made it. She was also planning on walking back but was seen by Kain who called her over. She didn't expect him to be here. She just needed to clear her thoughts and empty everything out of that head of hers. As he was kissing all over her, she noticed Jasmine who was watching from afar.

"Look at Jasmine..." Natasha whispered.

"Yeah, she came by the house during the week of for thanksgiving." Daina mentioned.

"And you didn't say anything?" Maggie huffed.

"She just said she was looking for you, that's all." Daina shrugged.

"Jasmine's the girl that got beaten by your cousin." Athena said eyeing Jasmine.

"Oh, damn...! If I knew, I would've beat her ass too." Daina folded her arms.

"Nah, you wouldn't have. I would've made sure." Jontell said chuckling.

"She looked rough that day. Today she looks as if she got herself together. She was also carrying bin bags and shit." Daina explained.

"I'm guessing it was full of clothes." Omar narrowed his eyes.

"Maybe her mom kicked her out." Montana said.

"Maybe but it isn't our problem so we shouldn't really care.." Kain said staring at Jasmine.

Jasmine caught his eye and she quickly turned around and hurried off elsewhere. Mahogany furrowed her brows and turned to look at Kain who was looking down at her. She shrugged it off and didn't even want to ask why she reacted that way. They all finally went separate ways. Maggie was heading over to Kain's so that they could at least hang before he heads off to Jamaica. She doesn't want him to leave. She'd rather go with him instead.

"I don't underhand why you've gotta leave me.." She pouted.

"Because, I've gotta do some business, you know how it is." He said removing the Nike track pants.

"It'll be an even more nicer trip if I tag along..." Mahogany bit down on her lip.

"I don't want you to get all caught up in my business." He shook his head.

"I can't believe you won't let me go, Kain. It's also during your birthday. Will you even be back in time for Christmas?" She questioned.

"Yes, Maggie." He turned around and she took a look at his print.

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