11. big brother

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Having Loki as your big brother!!

-He was a Frost Giant. A god. You were Midgardian. A mortal. So of course, it wasn't biological.

-But if anyone were to ask, Loki would proudly state you were his baby sister, and you had no say in that.

-How did it happen? Simply. Loki grew tired of being the youngest one. Thor always treated him like he was a child who couldn't take care of himself!

Thor: "Where have you been?"

Loki: "Out"

Thor: "With who?"

Loki: "The Grandmaster"

Thor: "You didn't tell me you were going out. Do you have any idea how worried I was when I checked in your room and you weren't in bed like you were supposed to be! For the love of Odin, you didn't even answer my calls! What if that lunatic sold you to some human traffickers? What if they forced you to be a streetwalker? What if I never got to see you again? What if ~~~~~~

And it went on forever. Loki didn't even remember half of the things Thor rambled.

-The thing was, Loki needed to know how it felt having younger sibling to control... okay, control may be a strong word, take care of. Loki needed someone he could take care of.

-After he and Thor moved to Earth, he met you in a library, and there was this connection/ chemistry between the two of you.

- So the God of Mischief was like "yassss, hooman, you have been chosen. You shall be my baby sister and I shall be your big brothaa"

-Loki was overprotective. EXTREMELY protective over you that it annoyed the shit out of you.

-But you knew it's because he loved you and didn't want you to get hurt.

-If you were talking to some guy, BOOM, you were suddenly surrounded with eight Loki clones.

-If you coughed ONE time, Loki would totally freak out.


-If it did come down to a cold, he would make sure you rested properly in bed.

-He would bundle you up in a pile of soft blankets, make you warm ginger root tea, sing Asgardian lullaby to you (the one Frigga used to sing to him when he was little)

-Got Stephen Strange and Bruce Banner to check on you to make sure you weren't dying or something.

-Loki didn't even allow you to move a finger: "you need to rest, little mortal, do make me repeat myself. Hey, don't give me that look"

-Basically, he would spoil you rotten. Whatever you wanted, he gave it to you as long as you stayed in bed.

-But he could be a dick from time to time.

-The God of Mischief demanded your attention 24/7

-He hated that you spent so much time scrolling through your phone, reblogging stuff on Tumblr and liking Instagram photos, instead of with him.

-So he used the height difference to his advantage.

-You'd have a fuss every time Loki snatched your phone out of your hand and held his hand up above his head. This way, you wouldn't be able to reach.

"Give it back, Loki!"

"Stop playing with it and start paying attention to me"

-But after all, you understood why he wanted the person he loved to want to spend time with him. And it's kind of making you feel guilty because you knew he have had so many people turning their backs on him, neglecting him, and you'd hate to be one of those people.

-So you decided you had to make it up to him.

-It'd always end in a comfortable night, cuddling with your big brother, watching Netflix together.

-It was just you and Loki.

-And you reminding him you were grateful to him for everything he had done for you and that
you loved him.

So that's the quick headcanon :) let me know if you want me to write an actual, longer imagine of these xx

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