Chapter 5🥀

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Maybe he likes me...

I laugh to myself again. No way. He is famous. And tall. And cute.... nothing like me.

"Dude" Jeremy says distracting me from my thoughts. I look at him and he looks terrified "You need to control yourself, you're starting to freak me out." I roll my eyes at him.

Alex parks the car at the campus parking lot and we all hop out of the car.

As we get back to our dorm Ben said that he has to go with Maya somewhere.. hmm sounds suspicious. "where?" I ask eyeing him. He says they have plans. I look at Maya, and it looks she wants to stay. So eventually they both stayed. That was weird, as we all settled down, Jeremy and Ben we're talking about guy stuff and Alex and Rachel, talking about the concerts and how amazing it was. I roll my eyes.

"Hey lets go get some coffee." Maya says, looking desperately for a way out. "Sure, Let's go"

Maya and I went to the café shop on campus. After we ordered and got our coffees, we set down.

Maya takes a sip, and looks at me like she is waiting for me to say something. "So are you going to tell me who this guy is?" She finally speaks.

I smile, "No one" I know that if I will say his name she will freak out! It sounds ridiculous. It is ridiculous. I also don't want the whole world to know about this. He just texted me, What if I never see him again? If I'll tell Maya, the whole world will know. And things will get awkward.

Ok, Lili.. he just texted you, breath. You Barley even talked. you met him literally 30 minutes ago. Just Breath.

I got another text. Butterflies swimming in my stomach as I glance at my phone and I see it's him, who texted me.

"So do you wanna go grab some coffee tomorrow?"

Joy rushes through me it was a sudden feeling of happiness that surprised me.

"Was it him? Did he text you?" Maya takes my phone. Before I could react, my phone was in her hands and she was reading aloud.
"Are you working here? Who is that?" She asks. I exhale with relief. She still knows nothing.

"No one." I say quickly taking my phone back. "It's just someone I met" I know, Maya and I, we are best friends, but there is something that is stopping me firm telling her, she probably wouldn't believe me.

"Is he cute?" She asks.

I think about that, and the answer is obvious. "Yes.." I smile. I put my phone down on the table and I take a sip of my coffee... hmm, Carmel macchiato... this is delicious.

"So are you going to go out with him? To grab a coffee tomorrow?" She winks at me. What? How did he read that so fast? She only stared at the phone for 5 seconds.

"Maybe, I don't know." I feel weird. I don't know anything about him. Is this weird? No this is not weird... you are not supposed to know so much about someone you go on a date with, that's what the date is for, for you to get to know each other... dah!

"Why can't you just tell me who is it?" She asks. Her eyes flicker with realization. "Omg do I know him? Is it Michel? Ooh, I'm proud of you, girl" I let out a laugh, "no it's not Michel. I just don't want to talk about it ok?" Just Leave me alone.. It's just a coffee date, it's not even a date. Stop making me nervous, I'm only nervous because he is famous and I did not in a million years expected something like this would happen to me.

I can't believe Maya thought it was Michel, he is Alex's older brother. I used to have the hugest crush on him. But I'm over him.

"Fine." She looks disappointed. "So tell me what sort of plans did you and Ben have for tonight?" I ask and wink at her trying to change the subject.

My phone vibrates, I got another text. I glance at my phone. Joy rushed through me the moment I saw it was him again.

"But if you prefer the cute singer.. it's ok. You don't have to go out with me. He is probably much cuter than I am... feel free to say no."

I smiled, I could barely conceal my delight.

"Are you even listening to me?" Maya asks making me look at her completely lost.

"Yeah just one sec" I take my phone and I write a quick reply.

"I would love to go out with you. Even tho you are right, the cute singer is pretty irresistible."

I'm overwhelmed by my own emotions, I never felt more alive. I waited a second or two and when he didn't reply I put my phone back on the table taking another sip of my coffee... mmm.. Caramel...

"You were saying?" I ask Maya.

"I hate you" She scoffs rolling her eyes at me.

"I'm sorry.. I just.." Maya stops me "tell me his name and I won't be mad at you" she says. What?

"Come on.... please don't make me." I say. I want to tell you, I really do. But I'm not sure I can. I think I need to keep this a secret, for him. I don't want rumors about him going around, he is famous, I can't forget that. I need to respect him, and I can't just do what I want.

"Lili what is your problem to tell me his name? It's just a freaking name for God's sake" She sounds mad "I thought we were best friends. Just tell me" she begs.

My phone vibrates again. Don't look! Don't look! Don't look! Ugh.. I have to. I'm so weak.

"Ok I'll text you tomorrow morning the address. Can't wait ;)"

I look at the text, not believing this, he wants to go out with me? For real?

"Wow Lili just, Fuck you" Maya says standing up with her coffee in hand..

why are you making a scene out of this? Can't you see I want to tell you?

"Shawn" I blurted out. Fuck. What have I done? Maya looks at me. She sits down.

"Which Shawn?" She asks "from Chem?" She asks. I can't lie to her... I can't handle the pressure, she'll know it's not him when we have chem and We're barley even talking "no he is not from here" I say. I need to find an excuse. Now.

"What? Than how did you guys meet?" She asks. I'm lost, what do I tell her? What am I supposed to say? There is a lump in my throat and I want to cry all of a sudden.

"Can't you just forget it? I don't think I'll go out with him anyway." I say barley saying the words out loud. She stares at me.


"Fine. Ok. I give up. You win. But you have to promise not to tell anyone." She looks thrilled, I hate her for making me tell her.

"I promise" she says.

* * *
Hey guys thank you so much for reading please follow me and comment what you think about the story so far🎃

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