Chapter 6: What Did I Do?

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"Ashlynn... Please..." I squeaked out. I left it at that and hung up the phone. I made my way to my bedroom and undressed throwing my clothes in the hamper in my closet before I pulled on a pair of yoga shorts and an oversized t-shirt. I walked out of my room and plopped on my couch. Ashlynn could use her key to let herself in. I just need a moment to compose my thoughts and think through everything that has happened since last night. It wasn't long until my door was flung open and Ashlynn was running inside slightly out of breath.

"Hazel... Are you ok? What happened?" She managed to get out before I broken down in tears before everything that happened since I left my apartment last night came crashing down on me in a swirl of emotions.


"I... I... I... Ever-Everything... Is... So...Fucked..." I managed to spit out between heaving sobs. Ashlynn had quickly plopped down on the seat next to me and wrapped her arms tightly around me holding me until I was able to calm down enough to talk in more coherent sentences. As my sobs slowly quieted and my gasping breaths calmed.

"Hazel... Do you think you can tell me what's wrong now? I'm guessing dinner with Brett didn't go so well... Otherwise... You wouldn't have called me so upset..." She pulled away from me slightly and looked into my eyes. "I'll go make us some tea ok?"

She got up to plug in my electric kettle and I sat and stared at the wall in front of me for several minutes. I know I had work that I needed to finish, but I couldn't focus. My thoughts were jumping around all over the place and my entire world just flipped. I'm not saying it's a bad thing or anything like that, but I just need someone to talk it out with. I thought I'd been handling everything that had happened just fine. Until I stopped to think about everything that happened.

I couldn't believe that I slept with the first guy that paid me attention after my break-up with Brett. I'm not that kind of girl. I've only one other boyfriend besides Brett. I've only ever slept with Brett. I feel like my life is spinning out of control.

I like Julian. I really do. I know I wouldn't have gone home with him without the connection we seem to share, but I mean what must he think of me. A girl who just came out of a break-up, who then immediately sleeps with some random guy she doesn't know. How could he want to see me again? He probably won't even show up. It was probably all a bunch of talk.

As soon as the kettle began whistling, Ashlynn removed it from the stove. She grabbed a couple of my favorite mugs from the cupboard and add one of our favorite tea blends to each before carrying them over. The instant the smell of the tea hit my nose I knew I needed to make a run for the bathroom. It was just a little too much.

I barely made it in time before all the alcohol I had consumed the night prior caught up with me. I felt fine this morning when I woke up, but maybe I was still slightly drunk since it had only been a few hours. Now, however, I was definitely regretting the amount of alcohol I allowed myself to consume.

After several minutes, I flushed the remainder of the smoothie Julian had made me down and slowly stood up using the counter to stabilize me. I turned the sink on and splashed my face with some cool water quickly and rinse my mouth before looking up to see the eyes of one of my best friends looking at me through the mirror.

"Boy have I got a lot to tell you..." I sighed. She helped me from the bathroom and back to my couch. She grabbed the fuzzy blanket and threw it over me before handing me my cup of tea. She hadn't said anything else to me. She just quietly waited for me to compose myself. She really was an amazing friend.

"So last night..." I began. "Brett had me meet him at that fancy restaurant last night... Which apparently he picked because he figured I wouldn't make a scene when he broke up with me..."

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