(25)Back to life

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Okkie so I hope you liked the last chapter but i have really nothing to say so let's go on w/ the chapter.

Izuku had been sitting with his classmates talking, chatting and just catching up with them in general. The only one he hasn't really seen was Todoroki. He hadn't see his boyfriend since the day he was taken into the hospital. He really wanted to hug him, and kiss him and have him hold him. He missed all of the great times the two had with each other.

Then suddenly the door sprang open and a figure ran at Izuku. It was todoroki. He slowly stopped and lightly bounced onto Izuku and then left him breathless with all the love that Todoroki was giving.

"Izuku I missed you so much, I can't believe you're back, I thought that you'd leave me forever like my mother did. I'm so happy I didn't lose you, I don't know what I'd do without you " Izuku sat there and just let Todoroki spill his heart out to him so that he could get it out of his system so they could just talk like they used to.

"How are your scars doing, have you cut recently, do you have any sharp objects if so give them to me, do you-" Izuku shut the ranting boy up by just kissing him.

"Calm down todoroki, I'm fine. I wont do anything and I don't have anything. I haven't done anything in a while and I'm not planning to do anything any time soon. So please for me, don't worry sweetheart." Izuku said finishing with a smile on his face.

"Oh okay, sorry i was really worried and I didnt want to have you doing anything bad or hurting yourself or anything that could put you at risk." Izuku sighed and gave Todoroki a hug.

"Don't worry, they entire class has the same intentions as you, meaning that they don't want me to hurt myself.So remember that the entire class is on your side for me. Well they don't wanna date me but you get what I mean right? I hope you do cause for a second that sounded very strange"

Izuku smiled and let his boyfriend take a deep breath and calm down.

"I'm calm and collected now, so how has your day been so far?"

"Well aizawa tackled me, They all talked with me and I feel very happy."

"Well thats quite good, you being happy and all. But no bad thoughts?"

"NO bad thoughts. None at all." Izuku gave a smile and gave Todoroki some peace. Though he may have said he was doing just fine he was lying. He even had a blade in his pocket but he was making sure no one could see it by fiddling with it so that it would look like he was only playing around with something in his pocket, not something that he could cut himself with. But he had no plans to cut himself. No matter how much he wanted to he wouldn't. Not here, not where his beloved could save him from himself.

It's not that he wants to be in this hell hole of emotions his entire life but he just doesn't want to stop cutting just yet. No matter how many times someone tells him to he will not stop cutting on the will of someone else. Only for himself, not for someone else, not that he wants to be rude or stubborn but that he just likes the feeling of the pain that is sent through his body, the endorphins that are released. He loves the high that it gives him, It's like a drug. A very addicting drug...

Hiiiiiiiiii So I wrote this over a span of like two months and im sorry i have-not updated in like forever so ya

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