Will you?

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Your pov💚

I soon wake up in my room and look around. I can see Jack sitting in a chair near me. He must have been to worried about me he forgot to take care of himself. I try to sit up but the pain was to unbearable to stand. I let out a small whimper of pain but I soon realized my mistake. Jack woke up and his head shot in my direction.
"(Y/n)! Lay back down we just patched up your wounds. Do you need anything? Do you want me to get something for you?" Jack said
"Ah no no you don't need to get me anything but maybe some water would be nice." I said
"Water got it!"
Jack soon left the room to get me some water. He is just so nice. Jack came back with a cup of water.
"Here let me help you sit back up" he said
Jack then wrapped both of his arms around me and slowly but gently lifted me up.
"Thank you for everything, Jack" I said
"No problem... Hey (y/n) I need to tell you something..."
"Um sure what is it?"
"Will you go on a date with me?"
I blushed immediately when he asked me
" I mean we can still be friends if you wa-" I cut Jack off with a kiss on the lips
"Jack I-I love you."
"I love you too."

Wow short chapter yes I know. But don't worry I'm making more

Can't Help But Fall For You(Jack Frost x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now