The Possession of Berkeley Square

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This is a story of a possession of a young man in Berkeley Square London.

Karl Hope was a young and happy man with two younger sisters and his mother. They lived together happy and his sister who was two years younger than him had just got engaged. His other sister was much younger than him. His mother had a new boyfriend and they had decided to all move in together in a new house in central London just outside the busy streets in Berkeley Square. Famous for the song 'a Knightingale sang in Berkeley square'.

The morning came where they moved in and they unpacked all their things in the house smiling and joking. Karl and his sister Kate and her fiancee Doug had a good friendship and they was close friends. Life was on the up for the family as it was a new start in a posh part of London.

The night began to fall early in the autumn night.

Karl, Kate and Doug was having a joke and fun together. Louise his little sister sat playing with her toys and his mum and her boyfriend Tony relaxed eating fast food. Everyone was happy.

Karl headed to the room he had chosen for his new bedroom. It overlooked the square high up.

He plugged the lamp in and turned it on. His door creaked open slowly and he didn't think anything of it. His room glew bright. There was a shadow on the wall behind him which then moved away and down the hall along the wall....

They all played games before bed and then all went to bed for their first night and said goodnight to each other.

Karl entered his room and got on his bed. His phone rang on anonymous.

Hello. Karl answered.

It was silent for a second then a voice said...

Kill them all...said a deep voice.

Hello, who's this? Said Karl.

Kill them... The voice said again.

Who's this? Said Karl.

The phone disconnected. Karl smiled imagining it was one of his friends.

That night, in the dead of night Karl was asleep in his bed. Heavy footsteps could be heard coming slowly up the stairs coming closer as higher towards the top.... Then silence.... Then Karls bedroom door opened....

Karl awoke the following morning not feeling so well. He headed downstairs where Tony was making a cup of tea and getting ready for work.

His mum was ironing clothes and his little sister ran around and she teased him. Usually Karl would respond and play with her but today he found it annoying.

Kate and Doug appeared all dressed to go out the house behaving all romantic and Karl sipped his drink and didnt seem to enjoy it today.

Morning Karl said Kate hugging Doug.

He looked at them both sternly.

Will you two stop it? He said.

Ooo what's the matter with you? Doug joked.

Karl went back upstairs. He lay on the bed and his phone rang from anonymous again.

Hello he said.

I dont like Doug... Kill him now. Said a voice.

Who is this? Asked Karl.

The line crackled a little.

Doug must die. Said the voice sternly.

Then the phone cut off.

An hour passed and Karl spent time the time listening to music. He heard one by one everyone leave the house. Silence gripped the house. He lay on his bed tired. Then something startled him... He heard footsteps on the landing below. He listened... Definate footsteps.

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