Who's the Queen Bee?

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I froze in my step  still half hidden behind Gina and Sharlene in the pyramid form,I moved slightly looking around the huge window glass room. The wooden floors were so shiny that you could see your reflection in them .

"Shit this ismt going to work , Bethany come over here,in the back join the eight" Denise whispered shouted from the doorway , shaking her head because the girl hadnt heard her. She speedily yanked a girl with blonde hair and moved her to the front of the pyramid,  making us evenly space out. Bethany was smiling when she was next to the pyramid but now she smiled like never before. I winced  , thinking her cheeks must be hurting.

Denise looked back at the closing of the door and with a frown she turned around to look around the room walking on the side of us.

There were four long white sofa that could fit aleast 10 people, two each on each side of the room and one long black sofa in the middle. There was a huge club bar at the far right side of the room serving drinks . There were several pool table and one card table. Huge flat screens TVs covered the walls.

But overall what caught my attention the most were all the men.Men  were all seated around the room , in casual attire around the room. Some had drinks and others had cigars and some both.

Though there were huge sofas in the front none of the men were seated on them except two men on each sofa .

They all brought their gaze on us , with seductive smiles on their faces.

"Well girls what are you waiting for.." Denise said gesturing with her hand with a flick of her wrist.

The twenty or something girls who were first to come in ,all squealed with huge smiles, walked down the steps of the stage ,rapidly going around the room ,and start talking to the men . As I stared after them confused I recognized a recent familiar face, the prostitute that came when , Cori and I first got here and Eduardo had let her stay.

I started panicking not looking anymore .

Why did Eduardo make me come here.

"Now gentleman here are the true belles of Eduardo's Millas women", I heard Denise say , to who ,I didnt know ,because I was to busy hyperventilating. Gina turned around and stared at me with a grimace  and turned around .I closed my eyes trying to calm down. I heard movement from the front of the pyramid

A girl with soft brown hair and hazel eyes stepped out with a girl with black hair who's name was Sonia and Bethany who all ,stepped off stage and stood at the lowest step .They all were stunning with their different styles.

"Let me introduce you to these lovely ladies ,Linda, and here we have Sonia and Bethany." I hear Denise say.

"Here  Sonia darlin" I hear a deep male voice say at the same time I hear someone say ,"Pleasure to meet you Linda" and a different voice say. "Bethany I like that name"

"May I present to you , Alice , Janice and Emily"  Denise said as the line moved down. I remebered Alice and Emily both of them being the other brunettes not including Gina . And they were both the only ones who were truly happy with their dress.

It now being Sharlene and Gina infront of me though they hadnt moved since we had entered  the room making us not be seen. I believe it was for them to make a grand entrance.

"Now these two girls are personally Mr.Millas girls as you all must know Gina and Sharlene " Denise said. Gina and Sharlene both adjusted their breasts and hair and walked perfectly like runway models. Both of them slightly pushed each other so the other one would stumble , trying so hard to outdo each other.

"Eduardo!" I heard both of them say in unison.

"Come on Millas why you always gotta have those two" a very deep male voice said.

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