Just friends, revising..

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I have been sat in my room for a while now, staring at my Adrien posters. Pictures of him genuinely smiling, selfies of our friendship group, cute mugshots that someone took when we went to our favourite cafe in town.

The past year, i have really grown closer to Adrien and i stutter less and less. I mean, i know that him kissing my neck wasn't in the romantic way, which is a little sad, but at least we still are friends, right?

I think back to Adrien walking out angrily on the phone to his father. The rumours that have been going round are really getting to him. 

And to me.

I have to remember that i am Ladybug, the superhero that saves Paris whenever it is in danger. I have to cope under pressure, or i'm risking the safety of so many people. I mean, imagine if i was akumatised?

I shudder at this thought.

I feel a sudden wave of motivation. I'm going to make sure that the media or whatever doesn't strain my relationship with anyone, let that be my parents, my friends, Adrien.

Eventhough i'm always friendzoned.

POSITIVITY, MARINETTE, POSITIVITY the inner ladybug in me screams.

But it's hard, remembering Adrien say into the phone 'i don't like her!' again and again. He emphasised every word clearly an I can't help but wonder if he secretly hates me or something along the lines.

This situation hurts my head. And to top it off, we still have the stupid geography test tomrrow.


I reach for my phone and open snapchat. There are 48 notifications from Alya and Nino spamming our groupchat.

I love alya so much, i really appreciate the fact she is trynna reduce the tension after the eventful afternoon.

I start typing, Does everyone want to revise at mine then x

A reply pings back straight away.

Ye I was on my way anyway xx

Then Nino messages, same

Ewww can you guys quit with the kisses

I laugh out loud do you want to come over or not!


I walk into my house and Nathalie greets me.

'your father is very busy tonight so he would prefer no more disruptions, if you are to go out, you must tell me and i will arrange your transport,'

I nod and walk up to my room. I wonder if Nathalie and the Gorilla even communicate.

'well, that was an interesting day!' Plagg makes himself at home on my pillow.

'if you say so plagg'

'your just in a mood because of the shy girl eventhough she hasn't done anything,' 

'i'm not mad at Marinette, just fed up with everything,'

'if you say so, Adrien' he imitates my voice and i glare at him, 'whatever, it sure seemed like it though, you said you didn't like her again and again, see this is where cheese would be handy, it really fixes heartbreak,'

'i'm not heartbroken,'

'i wasnt saying it about you, im talking about the shy girl, when you kept saying how you don't like her,'

Oh my god. I am such a jerk.

'yep, sure are, considering you haven't given me camembert the whole day,'

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