Chapter Fifty-Four "Enough"

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            For once I awoke well before Faith, so I took care not to make much noise as I prepared for the day and tiptoed out of the room.  I found Leah and Lord Edgehill dining on a lovely breakfast and joined them.  "Good morning," I smiled.

            "Good morning," they both answered followed by a hidden bark.

            "Alice is joining us?" I giggled looking around.

            "It's a special occasion," Leah said looking under the table.

            "It is?" I puzzled.

            "Leah," her father chastised, "that won't do."  Lord Edgehill dabbed his mouth before turning to me, "Victoria is down with a headache, so the house is free today."

            "I'm sorry to hear that," I started, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

            "Nothing that some sleep won't cure," he said shaking his head, "she brought it on herself with several glasses last night."

            "Oh," I nodded in understanding.  It occurred to me that perhaps she had already had a glass or two before she stopped Faith and I in the hallway.  Not that it excused what she said, but it would explain why she was so forward.  I decided not to mention it to Faith unless she was still put out by the lady's comments.

            "Do you want to join us?" Leah asked suddenly, "We're taking Alice to the park today."

            "Perhaps I will," I grinned taking a drink of juice, "especially if Mr. Winchester calls on Faith and Thomas is still out."

            "You're always welcome to join us," Lord Edgehill said as he stood.  "We'll just be across the way most of the day, getting her used to everything," Alice scampered out from the table as he headed towards the hall.

            After breakfast I returned to our room, Faith was awake and reading a letter at the dressing table.  I lingered and watched for a moment, she looked almost angelic with her dark hair cascading over her shoulders and her eyes wide in astonishment.  "I hope that it is good news," I said quietly, making my presence known.

            "Margaret," she shrilled, "I can barely believe it!"

            "What?  What's happened?" I sat on the corner of the bed and waited as she went over the pages of the letter again.

            "The Winchesters . . . they . . . Lady Winchester has invited me to come stay with them!"

            "But you only met them last night," I gaped.

            "I know, but it's right here," she showed me the letter and sure enough the invitation was stated most clearly.  "What do I do?"

            "Go," I answered.

            "I can't," she spun around to look at me, "I can't leave you here . . . "

            "Lord Edgehill promised Freddie that he'd look after me, I will be fine.  You should run to Philip," I smiled encouragingly, "you've already waited a year."

            Faith stood still, thinking deeply and tried to control her breathing, "I will have to send word to my parents . . . "

            "Of course," I agreed, "I can write to Patience for you, if you want."

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