I'll do it...

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"Wake up it's 7!" Terra calls. I stumble out of bed. I make the bed closing my curtain changing and stumbling out. "Ok you guys can go now" She says after we go down the line 2 everyone runs out but I stay to polish my key boads key real quick when I hear a knock on a wall since theres no door I go over and find a smiling Percy "Hey Percy" I say "Hey" "Do you wanna come in?" I ask "Am I allowed to?" he asks "Ya usually people don't want others to enter their cabin but my siblings and I trust you" I assure he walks in looking around at the instruments hung on the wall. The bows and arrows on the wall and the posters and the...."No don't touch that!" "Ow! What is that!" Percy asks sticking his index finger in his mouth "Its a model of the sun its not as hot as the real sun but still hot it moves as the real sun like right now its coming up" I say "Oh" he says "Yeah you dork" I say he looks around again "I like you cabin" he says "Thank-you" I respond he sits on a bed "Whos bed is this" he asks "Mine" I answer "Oh" he says flopping down on his back "Percy Jackson is on my bed in a home with me alooone" I joke in a seductive voice he jumps off my bed and I fall on Brendons bed across from mine laughing my head off "Y-y-you should've seen your face" I say inbetween gasps of air "Har har har" "Ok c'mon my brothers will be looking for me and then they'll find us all aloooone" I tease again "Oh yes we don't what them to find me attacking you" he says kissing my cheek I bite my lip to hold the blush from coming upon my cheeks and the squel of delight from escaping my lips "Oh yeah with kisses on the cheek" I tease instead of freaking out because of the fact that the boy I've had a crush on since he transferred to my school just sorta kissed me "Oh yeah with kisses on the cheek


I can't believe I just kissed her sorta I made myself look calm and collected. "Oh yeah with kisses on the cheek" she teases "Mhmm" I answer "Well let's go" I add "Ya hold on" she says going to the bed and putting her keyboard on the wall. "Vicky wh...whats he doing here" James asks from the entrance "He came to take me to breakfast" she answers "You can't go by yourself" James asks "Apollo's daughter can't turn off the flirting remember" she says "Oook" James says leaving "Come on" she calls getting off Brendons bed we walk together to the pallvion but Chiron calls us over. That Annabeth girl and Grover were there to "Yes sir?" I ask "You need to see the oracle" he says he starts to explain the oracle so I head up to the attic.


I sit on the rock feeling uncomfortable with Annabeths stare "Oh My Gods Chase what the underworld do you want!" I shout "Nothing!" she shouts "Something!" I shout "I said nothing!" she shouts I growl but Percy comes down he starts to repeat the oracle 4 people have to go..."I'm going" Grover says "So am I I've been waiting long enough for this" Annabeth says "We need a 4th" Percy says "I'll do it" I offer


My heart sank I know this'll be dangerous and I don't want Victoria hurt there was a flash of light in the sky that all most blinded us except Victoria "I'm not sure Apollo wants his prized daughter to go on this mission" Chiron speaks up Victoria hums and starts to sing "Father I know you love me but you gotta let me do this I need to grow up and I need to prove to the rest of the world that i'm not just some pretty girl that I'm Tori and I can do what anyone else can do" I listened it really is amazing how she can find lyrics and a melody so quickly. I felt like listening to her sing all day but there was another flash "Looks like you can go Victoria" Chiron decides she smiles kneeling mumbling things in what I'm guessing is Greek. Probaly thanking her beloved father. Here we go

Authors note: Ok well just so you know Percy and Victorias adventures will be different from the book so ya...only few teensy weency things will be alike but either way I own nothing but my characters

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