⟅Chapter 19⟆ The Album

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"Describe your album in one word". I thought for a minute, before responding to the question. "Different." I responded with a smile on my face. It's been two years since me and my group spilt, and over the course of the two years, my ex-band mates 'attempted' to replace me, which led to them putting out mediocre music. While I've been in the studio everyday and every night, to put out my very first solo album.

"Can you tell us about the track list; who's on it, explain what some are about; and give us your favorite songs".

"This album features; The R&B group Jodeci, I sample the Temptations, and I have the legend Whitney Houston on it". "Some of the tracks are about finding love in the wrong people, some are about just having a good time" I continued with a smile.

"Now my favorite tracks have to be; The one with Jodeci and the one with Whitney featured on it. I feel like I really put my all into those songs" I stated and the interviewer nodded.

"Well there you have it folks! Natalie's album will be dropping...–'Tonight'– Tonight! So be sure to get it when it drops!" Simone finished and the crew behind the scenes had signaled that it was time to wrap it up.

"Well thank you, Natalie for stopping by and giving us more details on your unreleased album that drops tonight. I'm your host Simone, and I'll see you next week with our special guests." She stated as we both smiled at each other before the crew signaled that we were done. Getting up from our seats, we said our final goodbyes and parted ways. Exiting the studio, my pager beeped. I looked down and read the numbers '551', it was my mother. 'She better not be calling me to ask me can i help her with that baby, cause im not doing that shit' I thought to myself as I got into my all black hummer, and pulled out my phone.

"Natalie, can you stop by and help me...please" My mother's voice rang through the phone, which was soon cut off by my nephew's loud crying. I rolled my eyes as I checked my mirror and started my car.

"Sorry ma, I'm busy....why can't you ask Zay's mother can she help you with HER son" I asked.

"Because you know Briana. She wants to party every damn day and every hour. Plus she's young..." My mom stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Ma, what does being young have to do with anything? I'm young, you don't see me with a kid and acting a fool. She has a son, who's her responsibility. Not yours, mine, or anyone else's but herself. Michael Jackson said 'if you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby'". I pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the block, stopping at red light.

"I know what the fuck Michael Jackson said!" She yelled. The line soon grew silent before she spoke again.

"Listen....just come help me with Zay... please..." was all she said before hanging up. I tossed my phone into the passenger seat and sighed. This will be last time im helping.

As I exited my car and walked up the porch's steps, the front door swung open, revealing my screaming nephew and my tired, stressed out mother. I quickly walked up the last step and over to the door, taking my nephew out of mom's arms and walked into the house. Looking around as i plopped down on the couch, I noticed that the house was a mess. Toys were scattered all over the floor, dirty diapers were pilling up, clothes were also tossed on the furniture.

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