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Okay I know it's like 20 minutes since Halloween but never late than never!


Taylor- "It's a body"!

Becca- "Oh god what should we do"?

Lissy- "I don't know"

Taylor- "Cccall....your Dad Lissy"

Lissy- "I can't do that"

Becca- "Why not"?

Lissy- " Because then he knows I disobeyed him"

Taylor- "Lissy you got to"

Lissy- "I don't know about that"

Becca- "Lissy your Dad will understand"

Lissy- "Fine...alright. I'll call him but first we need to get out this neighborhood before I do call him" I said as I started to walk towards the end of the street. I turn on my phone again, luckily he didn't call me. I go in and click on his contact and pressed the call button to call him.

Phone call....

Lissy- "Hey Dad"

Dad- "Hey Lissy, how is it going? Are you alright"?

Lissy- " I'm fine. Look there is something I need to tell you "

Dad- "What is it"?

Lissy- " While we were trick or treating one of kids out here saw a dead body on somebody lawn and I thought maybe you could come out here and look at it "

Dad- I knew about the body before she had called me because I just received a call about my team and I going out and looking at the body. "I'm on my way....don't go near the body or the house. Is that clear"?

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

Dad- "Good. I'll be there in 5 minutes"

Lissy- "Okay Dad"

End of phone conversation.....

-Exactly 5 minutes later-

Steve- "Allyssa"!

Lissy- " Right here Dad" I said walking up to him

Steve- "You alright"?

Lissy- " Yeah I'm fine"

Dad- "Good. Get into the truck and don't leave until I come. Got it"?

Lissy- " Yes Sir"

-After an hour or so-called

Lissy- "So what happened"?

Dad- "Still working on the case but it's getting late so we will resume tomorrow morning"

Lissy- "Oh okay"

Dad- "Did you have a good time"?

Lissy- "Yeah"

Dad- "Glad to hear that. So I know what happened"

Lissy- "What do you mean"?

Dad- "I know that you didn't stay within the neighborhood"

Lissy- "How did you know"?

Dad- "I'm a parent. I find out things and I knew that you were lying to me as well"

Lissy- "Dad I'm sorry"

Dad- "Why did you lie to me"?

Lissy- "I don't know"

Dad- "Allyssa"

Lissy- "I wanted to be like my friends"

Dad- "Allyssa you need listen to me when I give you an order. I'm trying to keep you safe from seeing things that might effect you"

Lissy- "I understand that now and I'm sorry for not listening to you"

Dad- "This time I won't punish you but that doesn't mean I will next time"

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

What did you guys think of the Halloween Special??

Comment below your thoughts!

I was trying to have it go up before Halloween ended but things didn't work out as I wanted it to go.

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