22. Ubiquitous

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It's about time we move into my Boarding House, Universe.


We set up the moving date on Cosmos Altarf's birthday, so we can save money. That's what Cosmos, Venus Myrtle, and I think anyway. The others don't really care about managing the party's expenses.

"Then just fork your bank accounts over to me!" Cosmos has declared in exasperation, even as he hoards birthday presents from us

The only one who gains money from working is Space Antares, although it is not through a legal mean. To the rest, I pointedly tell them, "Don't manage your company's finances,"

Cosmos has a joint birthday party with Asterism Hamal; as we agreed upon back then. A celebration for the combination of birthdays and moving in is a little big in size. The only outside guests at the party are for Asterism, Constellation Hamal and Uranus Umbriel. Mars Deimos sends her well wishes and presents.

Appropriate for the timing of celebration, the birthday boys get furniture and other knick-knacks as their birthday presents. When thinking about cleaning up later, because we will be living here now, I am unwilling to cause a big mess. Thus, I warn others to clean up their own messes.

I mean, I know we all are of age by now. But, to bring alcoholic drinks here is a bit...

Space Antares offers me a glass, just a small one, but I decline. Drinking all that liquid I refused, which is definitely alcoholic, himself, Space passingly asks me, "Have you ever tried drinking before, Mercury?"

I shake my head, honestly admitting, "I don't want to try either,"

"That's not good!" the one who brought the alcoholic drinks into my territory shouts at me, "You need to know your limit, Mercury!"

I move away from Miss Constellation so she won't be able to catch me, "I will find out when I go home later. I will ask Dad to watch over me," sweeping my gaze around the room, over all those guys, I bravely declare, "I don't trust you to not do something,"

Horo Rasalhague, sitting with his twin at the dining table while snacking, has to suppress his mirth, "We know your rules, Mercury,"

I dip my head in agreement as I elaborate, "I mean, to not make me do something embarrassing, and take photos as memorials or blackmail materials," I side-eye Miss Constellation and Miss Uranus too; so that they know I don't quite trust them on this either

"You think you can't hold your liquor, Mercury?" Scopus Rasalhague is genuinely curious

"I am not sure," I also don't know my parents' capability to measure it for myself as a comparison, "I just don't like how alcohol tastes, in general. Maybe I will be weak to it; because I am not used to drinking them,"

Cosmos, having moved to the kitchen sink, participate by nodding sagely and promises me, "I will not use anything alcoholic when cooking,"

That means a lot. I give him a genuine smile, "Thank you,"

Cosmos widens his smile. Asterism, the other birthday young man, silently observes this exchange while sitting at the living room's sofa. Then, he stands up from where he sits and walks towards my direction.

While keeping an eye on him, I move to stand far away from Miss Constellation. I think Asterism's Older Sister is a little drunk. She has been drinking only her beverages, after all. Let's have Space be the buffer. This decided; I request Space to cover me.

Venus and Miss Uranus are talking quietly on the sofa, unperturbed. They are in a serious discussion about attending university plus working. Venus seems to be asking for management tips to balance her time for everything.

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