23. Guise

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Cosmos Altarf is a normal rich young master...isn't he?


Space Antares is not surprised to know Cosmos has a model as a friend. Seems like he already knows about it. On the other hand, others are impressed Cosmos knows a celebrity. The magazine for Space ends up becoming Scopus Rasalhague's. Horo Rasalhague questions his Younger Twin of this interest.

"It's a fashion magazine," Scopus points out by showing the subheader to us, "It's free too. Why not take it when nobody else wants it?"

I let loose a laugh for Scopus's logic. It's a good one. Especially his afterthought, "I will donate this magazine along with other books later when I don't need them anymore,"

Asterism Hamal inquires curiously, "How do you know about this model being Cosmos's friend?" to the one Horo meant to tease

Space blinks at us, semi-confused, "Cosmos's family is..." he pauses, only to widen his eyes at us to exclaim, "I forget you guys don't know!"

"Cosmos rarely talks about his family," I recall he only mentioned them once or twice, about being the youngest child and their family activity on New Years, "Or his future plan," even when I specifically asked him about it

"Do they dabble in something illegal?" Scopus asks with interest

"No," Space, as someone who dabbles in something illegal, snorts in laughter at Scopus's inquiry

Even though we are curious, Space still refrains from about Cosmos's family. No matter what, Space is adamant on sealing his lips.

Putting the enigmatic Altarf family aside, I have an announcement to give on this dining table where we gather. Meeting their gazes one by one, I declare, "Your meals will be handled by me in the cooks' absence!"

These young men, sans Horo, are surprised. Nobody voices anything distasteful about the announcement, no matter what they privately think. Receiving no objection, I inform them I will prepare tomorrow's breakfast. Additionally, "Those who don't want to eat what I make, let me know now,"

Horo says nothing; because he is actually looking forward to it. Space is also eager to taste my handiwork. Asterism looks concerned, but he stays silent. Scopus blinks at me innocently.

Nodding in satisfaction, I stand up from the dining table while gathering the utensils I used for dinner, "I will clean up first and retire to my room to study the cookbook now," before I completely leave the table, as I watch them clean up their dining utensils, I curiously ask, "When do you usually wake up for breakfast?"

I listen with one ear whilst washing the utensils and my hands. After counting the time, I set an alarm for myself. Feeling optimistic, I bid these young men goodnight. Of course, I never forget to warn them to not stop by the 2nd floor and walk up the stairs after hearing their oaths.


Good news. The breakfast is a success. Not too salty, not too bland. I feel good to know my hard work pays off. Now, what to cook for lunch...based on the ingredients we have in the refrigerator.

I have handed over the boarding house management and maintenance books to Asterism and Space to read respectively. Both of them contribute to Universe Boarding House too, in their own way. I actually don't mean anything by giving them the books to read, except to let them learn more stuff. If it helps Universe Boarding House, all the better!

Unrelated, but Scopus is also sitting in the living room reading the magazine Horo bought. Of everyone presents, Horo is really free and bored.

"We should have some kind of entertainment here," Horo informs me as he gestures to the living room

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