George Weasley x Reader

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(A/N It's been a while my dudes. Back from the deadddddd)

Requested by: undercover_Fangirl97

There are a lot of parts of Quidditch that you hate. Practices at dawn, playing through rain that drenches you to the bone, never getting sick days, being hit with bludgers. Especially combined like they are today. You're playing Chaser in a game against Slytherin and Oliver Wood is especially adamant that the team cannot afford to lose. So adamant that even though you're sick and sleep deprived from the practices he insisted on, you have to play through the game. 

You can hear the rain outside from the girl's locker room and you wished it would stop, but in the spirit of the game it gets worse and Oliver insists it's not bad enough to cancel the game. He won't allow Slytherin any satisfaction. You hope they call off the game but the captains of both teams are too stubborn.

You try to strap on your gear despite the occasional sneeze and your runny nose. 

"Do you need something for that?" One of your teammates asks. 

"You'd be a life saver," You say and she rushes out of the locker room into the common area. You pull your boots up and by the time you're almost fully equipped she comes back with a candy in her hands. Pinched between her forefinger and thumb is a golden candy wrapped in silvery paper. 

"This should help," She hands you the candy and you pop it in to your mouth. It tastes like butter scotch and melts instantly. Almost immediately you feel more refreshed and the last week of sleep deprivation and sickness doesn't matter anymore.

"What the heck was that?"

"One of Fred's concoctions," She says with a smile.

"Let's hope they aren't in a pranking mood," You both laugh and you turn back to your locker. You pull your helmet out and surprisingly there's another candy underneath. Same color and wrapping too you notice. Next to it is a green four leafed clover and a small white envelope. 

Good luck it reads and before you can see the rest Oliver calls time. He bangs on the door to the locker room without entering. "Show time ladies!" 

Your teammate looks over at the objects in your hand. "That's cute!" She picks the clover from your hand and leans over to stick it into your hair. "We need all the luck we can get, right?"

You nod and stick the remaining letter and candy into your locker. She grabs her broom and waits for you by the door. Double checking the clover is still there, you stick your helmet on and follow her out. The door swings open and you run back quickly for your broom, chuckling at almost forgetting it. 

The sky clears up halfway through the game. The rain slows but the clouds remain gray and ominous. You hope it doesn't start again and continue playing. As the weather clears so does your luck it seems, Gryffindor makes a comeback and the Gryffindors in the crowd cheer at each score. You're doing especially well and you feel confident. Your mouth still tastes of butter scotch strangely and it becomes stronger as you feel better and better.

The quaffle is in your hand and you're only halfway across the pitch with Slytherins blocking seemingly every pathway. Your teammates try to get open for you to toss the quaffle but they only succeed in almost getting knocked off your brooms. Then you decide to do something reckless.

Oliver yells at you from his position at the goal posts, but you hardly hear him over the wind and you dive down towards the ground. Everyone chases down towards you and you rush along the bottom of the pitch until the Slytherins catch up to you. One rams into you sideways and tries to knock you down but a bludger flies towards him and he pulls away to avoid being hit. You look behind you to see George behind you flying along with his beater bat in hand. You shoot him a smile and turn back forward.

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