Chapter 50

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Over Eastern Europe

Spring 2016

There were no words for the relief Nadine felt that Nina, while still worryingly unconscious, was otherwise alright.

Moreso, that she was safe.

That her safety might be a temporary state was something Nadine was refusing to think about right at the moment. There was already more than enough on her mind, Nina's condition ranking at the very top without contest.

Followed closely by everything that had happened at the Airport...particularly those final, critical minutes. Nadine fought against the way her stomach churned as her thoughts tried to turn to the battle's uncertain outcome...and the teammates they'd left behind. Uncertain because she honestly couldn't settle on whether there had actually been a winner. While she, Steve and Barnes had escaped and were finally set on their real mission, the losses they'd sustained...

It very much didn't feel like a victory.

Not knowing as she did that, even now, Clint, Sam, The Twins and Lang were undoubtedly in custody. Possibly even en route already to the infamous Raft.

And that Natasha might very well be en route with them? Her Work phone where it was once more securely clipped in its place on her utility belt suddenly felt impossibly heavy. She couldn't bear the thought that Natasha had been arrested too for helping them as she had; unlocking the Quinjet, returning Nadine's phone, holding back T'Challa. No, she had to believe that her sister had found an out. She had to. Just as she had to believe that Stark, for all his reckless, stubborn inability to see the truth through his desperation, wouldn't rest until he had exhausted every option to help every one of them.

Just as she knew he would've done had Nina— She physically shook her head at the thought, her lids squeezing shut even as panic threatened to close her throat and make her eyes burn.

It made her skin, her insides, her very blood feel cold to know Nina would've been arrested right along with the rest of their Team if she hadn't been on the Quinjet. If Pietro hadn't...she drew in a shaking breath. How was she going to tell Nina that they'd had to leave Pietro, both the Twins, behind...

Not just that, but that Pietro had gone back, knowing that he was going to be arrested.

Not that Nadine could blame him. Part of her had desperately wanted to go back, herself. It had been almost physically painful to watch as Rhodes had hit Wanda with his sonic cannon, especially when it caught Pietro too, flinging him bodily back as he'd tried to reach his Twin. Only to get swamped by it himself when he'd staggered back to his feet.

She shook her head again, eyes opening to fall on her daughter's face, once more reassuring herself that Nina was safe. She looked so...peaceful despite the exhaustion greying her features. Like she was sleeping, only. Nadine brushed back a few wayward strands of her pale hair. Like she hadn't nearly been killed... Nadine swallowed thickly.

She was safe, Nadine reminded herself forcefully. She was safe, and she was here. It was a small mercy and one Nadine was clinging to.

It was either that or let herself dwell on what was coming...or on that split-second of panic that had gripped her when Pietro had set her down in front of Barnes. God, seeing him, curled protectively around Nina even as the remnants of that turbine had burned behind him? Her chest had nearly seized from sheer, heart-wrenching terror.

It had felt like Sokovia all over again...and it was pure luck that had seen her kneeling even as her knees had given way.

She still wasn't quite certain how she'd managed to react calmly. But somehow she had, and somehow she'd had the presence of mind to recognize that Barnes had once more been dangerously close to losing control of his mind.

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