
227 13 6

1 Day Clean.


“Hey, Shanley… can I talk to you for a minute?” Someone said, knocking on my bedroom door. Turning around to the sound of the New Zealand accent, I weakly nodded my head. Beth walked into my room and shut the door behind her.

“Listen…” She sighed out, sitting on the edge of the bed and glancing up at me weakly. I sat down beside her and kept my head lowered, studying my vans. I had just walked into my room to get my iPod because everyone was a little tipsy.

“I didn’t know things were going to end up like this. I just wanted to see you happy because you were so upset that day you broke down, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I didn’t know Luke would tell you he was Calum, I promise.”

“Beth, it’s okay. Luke explained everything.” I told her, not wanting to hear the whole thing again. Beth nodded and we fell silent for a moment, before she wrapped her arms around me.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry too,” I told her truthfully.

“He really cares about you, Shan.” She said quietly, pulling away from the hug and leaving my room.

When I walked back into the living room everyone was sitting on the ground and watching Gee and Calum, who were making out. My eyes bulged out of my sockets and Michael laughed at my expression.

“We’re playing Truth or Dare,” he explained to me. My mouth formed an ‘o’ and I hesitantly sat beside Luke, who rested his arm behind my back. After a minute of awkwardly watching one of my best friends making out with a band member I thought I was talking to the past six weeks, they pulled away. Everyone hooted and I joined in.

“Alright, alright!” Calum laughed, wrapping an arm around Gee. “Jacey, truth or dare?”

“Truth, esé.”

“Do you like anyone in the room, and if you do, who?” He asked, eyeing Ashton discretely. Beside me, Luke chuckled and leaned into my ear.

“Ashton has a crush on Jacey,” he said quietly. Withholding a smile, I nodded my head and looked back at Jacey.

Si,” Jacey started. I noticed she spoke in Spanish a lot more when she was slightly drunk.

“Who?” Calum pressed on.

“Well, I was attracted to Gee but I can see now it’s unrequited.” She said simply.


“What?” Gee spoke my thoughts. Luke and I glanced at Ashton, as the colour drained from his face.

“I thought I made it clear, guys are total culo’s. I much prefer girls.” She said, biting down on her lip. The whole room fell silent, until Luke bust out laughing.

“I-I’m so sorry man,” He laughed, clutching onto his stomach. I glanced up at Ashton to see he was looking like he was just hit by a car and I too, started laughing. While Calum explained to Jacey that we weren’t laughing at her, or her sexuality, that we were laughing at the fact Ashton had a crush on her, Ashton blushed a crimson red.

“You guys are assholes,” she laughed, standing up and walking over to Ashton. She planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “Sorry man, if only you had a vagina.” Her comment only made Luke and I break into hysterics and Jacey shook her head playfully, shooting a glare towards Luke and I.

“Alright, polla. Luke, truth or dare?” she said, sitting back down in her original position. Luke’s laughter died down and he seemed to contemplate his response for a moment.

“Dare,” Luke said, leaning back on his elbows. Jacey was quiet for a minute, thinking about what to get him to do.

“Kiss the most attractive person in the room.”

Before I knew what was happening, Luke’s lips attached themselves to my cheek in a quick peck and he sat back again, a smirk evident on his features.

“You could’ve given me a more difficult one,” He said over the loud hooting and cheering of everyone else. My cheeks grew a deep red and I lowered my head, feeling my heart flutter in my chest.



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Dedicated to 5sosyay for being awesome, thanks for voting for so long :)

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