6.6 The Empress's Rite

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For what it is worth to know, Lang Yuan isn't really emotionless. Rather, he is just dense.

The records from his previous world noted that Lang Yuan only get angry thrice. With all the discrimination and underestimation of people towards him, what Lang Yuan felt would be hate. Yes, he only hated and loathed people but never angry at them. Hating and getting angry are both different things.

There are a lot of things that he hated. One is his disability. He hated his lack of ability leading to people looking down with pity at him. It is also one of the reasons why people often bully his siblings for having a brother with a reading disability. His social anxiety also added the factor rendering him useless in a crowd.

Two, he hated the school. Most of the bullying happens in this place despite having the main purpose of molding good characters to children. This is the place where he experienced being left out, being a laughing stock when he can't properly pronounce words, being played and tossed around in gym, and becoming a punching bag by someone. When you are different, people will eventually push you aside. His complication isnt really bad but people treated it as a malfunction.

Three, he hated those hypocrite people. They are the ones who says good things in front of people but show disappointment whenever he does something wrong. There is this one therapist who should consider his dyslexia and teach him thoroughly. Only that during those therapy hours he have to suffer multiple curses and harassment that he almost hid himself inside the house. If only his parents didn't notice his weird behavior that they will never know that he has been maltreated. The therapy continued but with a different therapist. At least, this time, Lang Yuan liked the female instructor who treated him as her grandson.

There are a lot of things Lang Yuan hated but he only keeps them inside his heart. It only comes to a point where his patience eventually faded that he will become angry. And like what they say, people who are often angry are better than those who seldom does. This completely applied to Lang Yuan. His three time record of getting angry not only caused tragic debts but also chaos within their family.

First record of getting angry is when he was still a kid. He had a fight with one of his older brothers. Maybe due to their small thinking that JunJie (second son) told Lang Yuan to just die. Junjie and Lang Yuan have the closest age gap so it would be natural to see them going to school together or play together. It's just that Junjie this time got the worst mood of all venting it towards his little brother. Lang Yuan who got his anger gauge full started to pull a punch and the fight goes until Lan came to the rescue. Being the mediator, Lan received most of the injuries he needed to be brought in the hospital just to recover.

Eventually, the two brothers reconciled and apologized. Never did the two fight again. Maybe due to the shame they brought and for Lan who took good care of them. Having two stupid brothers is enough of a burden towards Lan. They didn't want to worry him again.

The second record of Lang Yuan getting angry is when he someone in his class insulted his parents for bringing a stupid child like him. Lang Yuan is not stupid for goodness sake! If only the teachers seriously look at his skills and achievements, adding up that he is the only one who maintained an A+ grade in class, he could highly be regarded as an outstanding student. But humans has the natural feat of wanting someone below them just to evaluate themselves as higher beings. The insult given to his father and mother especially brought instant anger to his side that he almost stabbed the person with his pencil if only there are no blockages in his front.

This matter was brought to the principal. Lang Yuan being the one who attacked first got his scholarship nulled giving his parents great grief in paying his school fees. Lang Yuan told them that he can move to a public school like where his siblings are going but they fear that Lang Yuan will face more harassment in that environment. Even Junjie is willing to bring Lang Yuan to his school but his parents insisted. Lang Yuan mellowed by that and remained by himself. This is one of the reasons why he avoided people and eventually developed his anxiety.

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