Mission Impossible (edited)

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They had found him at the orphanage

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They had found him at the orphanage.

Gyoko had been about seven years old when the men in the black skin-tight suits had come and taken him away.

He had been awakened at 7:00 in the morning as was standard and fed a disgusting, tasteless gruel by one of the caretakers. He had then been separated from the other children and told to wait with the receptionist. Apparently, somebody had seen his papers and wanted to adopt him.

He had been so excited.

He was going to have a family, a home. He was going to be loved.

That was when the men in the suits had come.

They had stone cold faces and empty eyes the color of shriveled rose petals. Their jaws were square and clenched and their hair was so long it swept against their waists.

Gyoko had been terrified. He hadn't wanted to go with the scary men, but he had had no choice.

And now he was one of them.

Gyoko brushed his metallic silver hair out of his eyes, sliding weapon after weapon into the rigid belts that were strapped across his torso.

"Don't you think the other species are just so pathetic?"

Sondra's voice shocked Gyoko out of his thoughts, and he peered down at the small girl in confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean that we Siphoy's are obviously the most advanced race."

Gyoko raced an eyebrow.

"What are you implying?"

"Really? Stop trying to be some fucking saint. Everybody knows the Siphoy's should rule over the other species. Don't forget, we have magic."

"That's not, I mean, that's not really a valid reason to go to war," Gyoko said with a shrug.

Sondra let out a high-pitched giggle.

"What's our mission?" she asked.

"You're not a very good assassin," Gyoko commented.

"You know you still love me," she teased, wrapping her slender arms around his waist and burying her face into his silver hair. Gyoko peeled her fingers gently from his belt, tenderly grasping them between his and pressing his lips against her calloused palm. 

"Bruh, stop with the PDA!" Christian whined.

"Anyway, you ready for your haircut? You're being sent into Juery, so you've got to blend in with the Cynesigs."

"Stop mentioning that, Christian! Like, honestly, the words 'hair' and 'cut' don't even belong in the same sentence with each other," Sondra chided.

"It's fine. I'm not mad," Gyoko said halfheartedly. He followed Christian numbly out of the room, giving Sondra a half-hearted wave as he left. This was the biggest, most important mission he'd ever been assigned, and he refused to mess it up. At first, it had sounded simple, nothing too difficult. But, the more he thought about it, the more daunting and horrifying it appeared to be.

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