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Chapter Eighteen...
That night I wrote Jeremy a letter; telling him what happened and why he had not heard from me for two weeks; I was in a coma; that I was ok just some broken ribs; a broken right arm and a bump on the head; I told him how much I missed him; how much I missed Amber; how I couldn't believe Justin; Alexis and James were gone; Alexis was my best friend; she was like a sister to me; and James; I told him how we planned our life together; that we would get married once we finished high school; have three kids; live on a beach somewhere; own two dogs and a cat; and that now; that would never be.

I never received an answer back from him that week; I was discharged from the hospital the following week; I refused to eat; to sleep; to even breath; I didn't want to live any longer; without my sister; my friends; my love; the world felt empty; everywhere I looked; was death; the world went dark all around me. I got two letters that week; one was from Jeremy; I was so happy I left the other one down stairs in the kitchen while I ran up stairs to read it; but it wasn't from Jeremy; but his friend Austin; telling me Jeremy was being discharged from the army; when a bomb went off near his tent; and men started shooting the village he was in; he took twelve bullets and died intently. In the envelope there was a picture of Jeremy and his medals; and what was left of his letter.

Dear Brooklyn,
I'm so sorry about your friends and boyfriend; but I have good news; I'm being discharged this fallowing Friday and I'm coming home, I'll find a house and you can come  live with me, since Alexis has passed and that you're not related to her mom; and I have a gift for you; I'll give it to you when I get back...

That's where it ended; I started crying; so much I didn't even hear Alexis's mom come in; she must have heard me crying and came up stairs, she rubbed my back while I read her the letter; she told me that everything was going to be okay and that she would never just throw me out into the street.

Tragic Life... Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang