23 | Don't Have Time To Wait

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"Shawn what are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" He asked, gesturing to inside the door and Semaj was hesitant, but moved out of the way to let him in. "Semaj, I came to apologize for yesterday. I was out of line arguing with Michael like that. I should've never let him get me out of character."

"You were baiting him, Shawn. What if he didn't let me stop him then what? I'm sure you didn't want a bruised-up face because trust me that's what he would've went for."

Shawn rubbed the back of his neck. "I think I could've taken him."

She rolled her eyes and started for the stairs, "let yourself out."

He leaned forward, grabbing her softly by the hand. "Wait, wait, I'm sorry. Thanks for saving me."

She pulled her hand from his grasp and leaned against the railing of the staircase. "No offense Shawn..."

"Usually people are about to offend you when they say that," he said playfully, but Semaj wasn't in much of a playful mood.

"I wasn't saving you. For egging him own you deserved a hit or two, but I was saving Michael and obviously him nor you seem to understand that."


"Why would I let Michael fight you, huh? So, he can do serious damage to the point where your father convinces you to press charges for assault? Michael has improved way too much for something like fighting to set him back. The last thing I wanted for him yesterday was to see him in hand cuffs from beating your face in because you kept going at him."

"Hey, it wasn't all my fault."

"You're right. It wasn't, but you can't lie and say that you weren't the main reason why it started. Instead of walking away you stood there and tried to go neck and neck with him. Maybe if you had left things would have ended differently."

"Oh, I get it. You mean he wouldn't have left you?"

His words stung Semaj and she found herself clenching her jaw trying to stop from saying something to Shawn that could truly hurt his feelings. Then she'd be just like Michael... taking her anger and frustrations out on someone who didn't completely deserve it.

"Someone who is that insecure Semaj... that isn't healthy. He practically lost his shit because he thinks something happened between the two of us. And I could obviously see that him not believing you hurt because it was written all on your face. What's the point in being in a relationship when your boyfriend doesn't trust you enough to be faithful? Does he get mad at you often when you're around other guys? When other guys talk about you in an unfriendly way?"

"Don't try and analyze him as if he's some sort of psych patient. You don't know what you're talking about. Michael trusts me, but he doesn't trust you and quite frankly I'm starting to see why."

Shawn sighed, shaking his head. "Look if you want I can talk to him. Tell him that nothing happened and you're as faithful as they come."

"First of all, you don't even sound genuine. Secondly, I thought we were friends, and thirdly, don't bother because I won't be there to hold him back or pull him off. Trust me you bringing my sweater has done enough." Semaj turned to walk upstairs but stopped. She sighed heavily and turned right back around. "I don't mean to be rude it's just been a very trying weekend. I appreciate your offer on talking to Michael, but it won't do any good."

Shawn left it at that and just nodded his head. Descending back down the steps Semaj opened the door for him to leave and he did quickly. Once he was in his car she shut the door, locking it.

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