Part 12:

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I'm pushing and shoving away from Niall. "Niall can you please stop! I don't love you!" At that he stops and looks at me. He's upset and his eyes remind me of a sad puppy's blue eyes. "You don't love me?"

"Niall I love you like a friend... now please-"

"You love Harry more though, right?"

"I don't know... yes? I can't really talk right now so can you-"

"Noreen? Just tell me tell me one thing."

I raise my eyebrow "Yes?"

"Tell me you won't devote yourself to him."

Devote myself? "What do you mean?"

He takes a deep breath. His eyes lower and I look down with him. He takes a hold of my hands and looks back up at me. "Just stay independent from his grasp."

What the fuck does that mean? "It means you need to listen to me more." He says. Then he says something in my ear but I can't understand him.

"What?" I ask. He disappears into thin air. Alright leave me in the middle of my dream won't you, Niall.

Glenn appears in his spot and I jump back. I'm realizing what this dream is starting to mean. First off I really need to forgive Harry for this Violet shit. And second, Harry needs to be more protective of me.

"You're finally figuring it out aren't you, Noreen?" Glenn says to me. I nod slowly. Glenn leans into me and kisses my forehead. Ugh. "I will leave you alone."

He also disappears. I need Harry. Dream or not he needs to be with me. I stand up and walk around. "Harry! Harry come here please!"

Boys start coming out of a forest that just randomly popped up. there is about 10 of them and I'm disgusted by the way their looking at me. I really need to find Harry.

"Beautiful girl." One of the boys say.

"Hot girl." One of the other boys say.

"Sexy girl." Another boy says. It sends shivers down my spine and I turn around and run into another boy. My face slams into his chest and I look up to find Louis. Thank god.

"Louis help." I whisper into his chest and he looks down at me. He brings his strong arms around me in an embrace. "She's Harry's girl. Back off." He shouts at the boys.

"Don't worry if Harry's not here. I'll help." He smiles.

My eyes fly open and I see Louis sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. When he sees me wake up he stands and makes his way over to me.

"You ok? You looked kind of scared as you slept." He asks. He brings his hand to my face to wipe a hair off my face.

"I think so, Lou." I smile. I sit up and give him a hug. "Promise you'll always be there for me when Harry isn't." I whisper in his ear.

He pulls away from me and looks at me. "Of course! What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Nothing. Just worried about girl crap." I smile and he looks at me.

"But you said Harry-"

"Hey Noreen sorry I took so long! There was a woman at the cash register who was friends with my mom... oh hey Lou." Harry says cheerfully.

He comes next to me. His cake pop in one hand, my cookie in the other. "For my lady." He grins and hands me the cookie. I grab it and set it on my lap.

"Thank you." I say.

"So what happened while I was gone?" He asks. Louis turns to me and looks at me like tell him.

"Nothing much. I just woke up from a nap." I say. "Louis was saying hello." I completely ignore Louis' glare for not telling him about my "girl crap".

Oh well.

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