Chapter 56

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Oh finally, the wedding. Where I am the Best Mare on my sisters side. I could have been on Cotton Candy's but I chose to be loyal to my sister. Since there was no groom we all walked down on our own. I didn't get to catch a glimpse of my sister before the wedding, so I was kind of excited to see her walk down the isle. I looked over at Jewel and Creampuff who was in Candy's side. They waved at me and of course I waved back. The music queued and a saw Father walking Tia down the isle. She looked magical. Her dress was not anything like Candy's oh no...her dress had nothing to do with the theme. "Aunt Tia looks pretty." Starswhirl whispered to me. "I know..." I whispered back. Her pink mane was in a bun and on the side her bangs were not at a clip that looked like the sun was there. It looked a bit like her cutiemark. In fact her whole dress was covered in the suns. And at the end a little gold. Father let her up the steps and went to sit by Mother. After he noticed there was no groom and frowned. He looked at me with an confused look. I just smiled and looked down the isle. There was Cotton Candy walking down in her own. Her father died many years ago. She was crying a little bit. I helped her up the steps and whispered, "You look great." I wiped off her tears and smiled. Tia nuzzled her bride. Then the priest said all that boring stuff that nopony cares about, they said there vows and exchanged rings. "You now my kiss the bride" He finally said the crowd cheered and hollered and so did I. As they kissed I could see father with an disappointed look on his face.

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