Chapter 20

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After 2 days

"Jungkook!" I immediately exclaimed as Jungkook lifts up the call.

"You know Hyun mi, it's now late in the evening. Is there any problem?"

"Sorry," I apologized feeling guilty. He must be really tired right now.

"No, it's okay. What is it you wanna tell me?"

"Actually, I have a bit of a situation here," I said trailing off.

"What?" he said.

"All three companies called me back for 2nd auditions," I said already stressed.

"Mwo?!" (what?!) he exclaimed.

"What am I suppose to do?" I asked him.

"You mean they all called you back?" he now regained his composure.

"I just said that oraboni!" (an old term for older brother) I answered sarcastically.

"Well then just go to all three of them," he simply answered.

"Well shit sherlock, I shouldn't have called you then," I said my words still dripping with sarcasm.

He laughed at my remark and asked, "What?"

"Their callbacks are on the same schedules. Oppa, I need to choose,"

"I see, then just go where your heart tells you. Like me, when I saw Namjoon hyung rapping, I immediately said yes to BigHit,"

"Well I never thought of this. I just, I don't know," I said now growing even more frustrated.

"What if I choose this specific company and I end up not getting in?" I groaned in frustration as I bury my face in my pillow.

He didn't answer at that. The static on the line was the only evidence that he's still on the other line.


"Hyun missi, I'll tell you something. Listen carefully okay? Use your instincts, they're always right. If you fail this time around, then just do it all over again. When you do, you already know what went wrong and you'll know which part should be done and not to be done," he said letting a sigh go.

When I listened to what he said, it all seems to be easy now.

I smiled at his words and remind myself that no matter what happens, I'll just get right back up.

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