35 ~ It's time that she knows

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You saw the malfoy manor in front of you. Draco was still holding you. He sometimes rubbed your wrists with his thumb to comfort you.. but you just moved your wrist a little, showing him that you really didn't appreciate that right now.

Even though you wanted to see Draco's home, you didn't want to see it like this. You had never felt more betrayed in your life. You two were walking behind everyone.

'I'm sorry. You know I am.. but I can't change this.' Draco whispered.

'You could have let me go. Like a responsible boyfriend.'

'If we both want to live, then this is the best. I promise you that you will get out of here alive. Just like I will.'

'Draco! Hurry up!' Lucius hissed.

Draco pushed you a little.

'Don't you dare push me again.' You hissed.

You started walking a little faster. The doors of his house opened by themself. You now felt even more nervous. You kept looking at your parents.. looking for some reassurance.. but they couldn't look at you.

'Put them there. He'll be here soon.' Lucius said.

He? Was he talking about Voldemort? You almost prayed that he wasn't. You were brought into a big room. There was almost nothing in there. There was a stair leading down but you didn't even want to know where that would lead to.

You were forced to sit on your knees, besides your mother. Your father was on the other side of her. You looked at her. Finally, she could look back at you. It hurt her to see the fear in your eyes.


'Silence.' Lucius hissed.

You looked away from her right away. You looked at Draco.. but he looked away right away. You couldn't even look at him. Narcissa saw that things weren't going well between you and Draco. It didn't surprise her. These circumstances were going to take away the only good thing in his life. She had to stop it.. but she couldn't do that now. She had to wait.

'What do you have for me, Lucius?'

You looked at the door. Your heart stopped for a moment and not in a good way. In a 'oh my gosh, I'm going to die' way.. it was Voldemort. The real, noseless, bald Voldemort.

'Mum.' You choked softly.

'No.. don't freak out. Stay strong.. it'll be okay.' Your mother whispered at you.

Voldemort stopped for a moment and looked at you three.

'Look at that. They're back.. brought someone new, I see. You're Y/N, aren't you?'

It scared you that he knew your name. He moved closer to you. You kept looking at him. You tried to stop your breath from shivering. You took a deep breath. It didn't really work.

You had to look up. He came so close to you. He bent down and literally looked down on you. It scared you. Seeing Voldemort so close to you.. He had no mercy.

'I hope you make different choices than your parents.' He said.

You didn't understand what he meant. Maybe because you didn't know everything.

'You don't know what I'm talking about? You didn't tell her?' Voldemort asked.

Your parents didn't say anything.

'Tell me what?' You managed to say.

Voldemort looked at you.

'Oh, you really don't know. Maybe that's even better. I bet my mark would look great on you.'

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