Waste It On Me [BTS FF

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Sunhee:Yahh!Eun Soo Jin,won't you cut it out?

Soojin:Aisshhhh unnie!Your so loud!

Sunhee:Agh!You should've not rejected a guy..Again.Okay,this is the tenth time and i'm sick of it..

Soojin:Told you,no interest in dating..

Sunhee:What am i ever gonna do with you?

Soojin:*shrugs*Love and take care of me for the rest of your life..?

*Ring Ring*

Sunhee:Its Appa..Please don't mess this up,Soo..Not again

Soojin:Yeh yeah i know...

Sunhee (on phone):Nee~Appa?
Not again~~

Soojin walks away from there..

Soojin:*chuckles*Love is messed up...

Soojin:It don't work..


Love can't only be taken by words,earn it with touch
-Eun Soo Jin

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