Giving Thanks by @WhoopsHarryStyles

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Whenever I want to read something good, I turn to my Wattpad friends and ask for recommendations. There are many people here who have similar taste in books as me and look for a nice plot which is not only believable, but well structured with decent character development as well.  So a few months back, my dear friend HarrysHighNote suggested that I read  @WhoopsHarryStyles's  work. She told me that she was blown away by her stories and that I should definitely  give them a try. She said that she was one of her favourite writers here and since I trusted her judgement, I added her work in my library. I think I started with Steam which was exactly that: Nice and steamy lol. I am not very fond of smut but I had to give it to her, she wrote to attract your attention. I remember asking myself when I started on Secure "Why doesn't this girl have more reads?" I was amazed that she didn't get the attention she deserved and so I kept asking my friends to read her work. When I finished reading all of her stuff Press Release was out and by then I was hooked. One by one, her stories got me so absorbed that I caught myself wanting to ditch everything and just sit at home to read, which was impossible. 

She is dedicated and passionate which is the best combination for a writer. She is also very sweet and polite, my kind of person. Now, her new story has finally reached what we were all hoping for. With more than 200 votes per chapter in the first hours of publication, Whoops has finally got some of the recognition she deserves. And this is only the beginning.

I like this girl because she is not fake. She is one of us. Different surely, but yet so similar.

So without further ado, I present our latest addition to the compilation from our friend from Colorado, USA. 

The smell of the cooking turkey wafts through the Idaho vacation house, along with the particular scent of fresh-baked rolls which is my personal contribution to this shindig

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The smell of the cooking turkey wafts through the Idaho vacation house, along with the particular scent of fresh-baked rolls which is my personal contribution to this shindig. As a baker by trade, I'm frequently asked to provide the yeasty products for a shared dinner. As someone who adores the texture, smell, and taste of freshly baked bread, I'm honored to be asked. Glenne was tasked with the apple pie, and the remnants of its pleasurable fragrance linger in the air.

"How long have you and Harry been a couple?" Shelli asks me as I watch her baste the bird while I form the remaining rolls to add to the oven when the first batch is complete.

"Almost a year," Harry responds, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning his head on top of my shoulder blade, his chiseled chin digging in, making me twitch. "May I steal her away, Shelli?"

With a nod, Jeffrey's mom returns to her duties as chief cook, assisted by Allison. Washing my hands, I dry them on a nearby towel, glancing at the clock, as I want to be sure the rolls aren't overdone. Removing the fancy apron, I fold it neatly and lay it over the back of a bar stool, smoothing my hands over my grey sweater dress, my thigh high boots nearly reaching the hem.

"Where are we going?" I press Harry.

His dimpled smile is mischievous, and I wonder what he's hiding. In the living room, the space is filled with Azoff family members; Harry and I being the only non-Azoffs in the house for the Thanksgiving holiday. Plopping on the sofa, Harry pulls me down beside him as the giant screen reveals the start of the Green Bay Packers vs. Chicago Bears.

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