Chapter 13

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Andrade's POV
4 years ago
At performance center

It was another day at performance center-I got here bright and early to practice and perfect my moves so they would be smooth and I would not have any issues when I perform in front of live crowd.

I looked around and saw my co-workers  working on their craft as well-some were practicing moves others were practicing their promos .  I smiled and said to myself ''Manuel today is going to be great ''.

I placed my bag in locker and went to squared circle to practice moves.As I got to room where  squared circles were I saw a fresh face that looked familiar.She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

    She was wearing grey tights and grey shirt that said ''Property of WWE '',the shirt looked similar to mine but the woman had more v-cut shirt and I didn't had that and also she wore black sneakers. Her brown soft hair was tied in ponytail  and she had wristband around her wrist and then it hit me.

       It was Hayley my Hayley-the girl I met a year earlier.My heart to began race faster.I remembered when I met her last year at Japan when I was signed to NJPW and now  I finally get to see  her again.

She looked so beautiful and breathtaking,her beauty made my heart beat faster and faster. I looked at her  as she tied her hair  and began to stretch.


       I wanted to go up to her and talk to her and maybe even work out with her  however  a part of me was scared about her not remembering me but then my inner voice yelling at me  as sergeant would to solider ''Manuel go talk to her ,if she remembers you  great if not well then I guess you have to start fresh with her so go now''.

I took a deep breath and walked up to her and as I did that I said to myself ''You can do this You can do this''.  As I walked up to her , I tapped her shoulder and she stopped ,turned around  and looked at me.  She looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes  my heart skipped a beat. She continued to look at me- shit she doesn't remember me I guess I have to start fresh friendship with her.

But then she smiled  and said ''Manuel is it you?''-she remembered me ,my heart sang in glee.I nodded  happy and replied ''That's me Hayley we meet again''- she pulled me close and said ''We are co-workers'' and I replied ''Yes yes You new here right'', then she looked at me  and said ''If You mean in a way  that I recently signed  WWE then yes,  I got signed last week''.

''Nice, I signed with WWE recently myself how are you'' I asked  as I flexed a  bit and she giggled about it and replied ''Well I am lot better than last time you saw me recently moved here in nice apartment with my dog to start my training  how about you?'',she tilted her head and I replied ''All good ,got an apartment  furnished and training listen now how about we go and train together and then after we done we grab some food ''

She flashed her million dollar smile and said ''I would love that'' and we  went to train and I knew that one way or other we have came in each others lives for a reason.

~end of flashback~

Andrade's POV
Present day

''What are you doing silly'' I asked  Hayley as she was stretchering weirdly. I was so happy that we  were finally   teamed up because we were an odd pairing that fit together so well and our chemistry is so smooth.

''What?if we have to do a match together I want every part of my body to be ready for ass  kicking '' she said as she stood up straight and continued to stretch.

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