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I wake up to the sound of a nonstop knocking on my door. I roll over and check my phone. It was noon. It was noon on a Saturday. I wanted to sleep in. I slowly got out of bed and head to the door.

"Lacey what the hell! You look like shit!"

"Hello to you too Nova" I grumble

"Did you just get up?" She asks me

I glare at her as I trudge into the kitchen to get myself a coffee

"It's Saturday Novs, of course I was still sleeping"

"Lacey it's the day of the dance! We have to get ready!"

"Nova, they guys aren't picking us up until 6, we have plenty of time"

"Lacey you're talking about getting four girls dolled up and looking spicy in six hours. That's nearly impossible!"

"Four?" I ask dumbfounded

"Yes four. Maya and April are on their way over now"

I groan and take a sip of my coffee.

"Enough whining. Come on get your booty moving" Nova says grabbing my arm and pulling me into my bedroom.

"Now sit! We have lots to discuss. How do you want your hair? What color lipstick are you wearing? Do you want false eyelashes? How do-"

"Okay Novs. Take it down a notch, it's to early for this"

She pouts and sits on my bed.

"Thank you. Now on to a calmer subject. How are things with you and Wes?"

Novas face instantly reddens.

"Things are going great. We really enjoy being around each other and he makes me laugh. I'm really happy Lace"

"Good, I'm glad. Now question I know you're avoiding. Tonight when you see Dakota?.."

Nova rolls her eyes

"I'm over him. I have Wes now. And trust me it's a definite upgrade. Wes is so sweet and caring. And I told him about the baby"


"And he's really happy for me, he said I'd make a great mom and he'd do everything he can to support me"

"That's great Novs. Do you think it could go somewhere?"

"Hell yeah. I mean, I know he likes me, like really likes me. And I feel the same way. We just haven't told each other yet. But I believe that we can make it work."

"I'm happy for you Novs"

The smile on her face gets huge as she thinks about him.

"Lacey! I swear to god if you don't get your friends constant knocking taken care of I'm going to kick you out!" Spencer shouts from the living room.

"Cool your buns spence! I'm coming!" I shout back leaving my room and heading to the door.

I open it to reveal Maya and April, who is sporting a huge bag filled to the rim with makeup.

I let them in and we all head into my room.

"Spence were going to be getting ready so don't disturb us!" I shout to him

"Wasn't planning on it! Just let me know when you're done mom wants pictures!"

I roll my eyes and chuckle as I walk into my room.

"Okay ladies, so what first?"


6 hours later

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