Migration season

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In this world you only need to worry about yourself. That's how my family saw this world and considering the human species' violent tendencies, it's best to abide by those rules. All that's left from us is rubble, junk, and bits of rotten food 'That's all you deserve though.'

I smack at my head as my mind focuses again and continue walking past the rundown crumbling apartments, holding a wet plastic bag with some wild glowing mushrooms and a few cans of half-eaten soup. 'You better have wings under that shirt because the horde is coming sooner or later.' "I know that, but I need to grab all my stuff before we leave, I should have a few hours before the horde moves south." I whisper.

Stopping by my building I climb up the thick vines surrounding it and climb into my building.

I drop my stuff and grab my old bag, stuffing it with whatever food I've found. Then look at the large pile of random objects I found around the city. I decide to grab a few books, and a sharp piece of black metal I found. Then I grab Cactus from his blanket as he greets me with a hissy fit. 'Why do you keep that thing, it's just leaves you open for vulnerability.'

"Hey, buddy we got to move, winter's coming and the horde is going to move south. I wish we could take your blanket but, it's too dirty, and I don't want to make the food dirty."

Cactus licks his nose in response and nudges my thumb above his head. I put him on my head and go to the window climbing down, back onto the streets.

Walking south by the border I notice an old school and decide it would be worth looking through it. As I opened the doors all there was the silence of an empty hall, greeting me with my echoing footsteps 'Late for class I see. You better run.'

I find the cafeteria and look through finding large packages full of plastic-wrapped food Dated thirty-two years ago. "The apocalypse started like, twenty years ago. You'd think they would have brain food in a place for learning." I whisper to myself

"I think I'd rather starve... Probably healthier than eating this stuff" I grab a few cartons of milk, that were, sure enough, twenty years past their best, and continue south.

Opening the door at the exit I hear the sound of objects falling down, making me jump and take cover behind the half-opened door.

I peek my head through, and amongst the wet boxes, and plastic waste was a black cat, that looked as if it was passing by, looking directly at me.

It knew I was there.

I step out further, staring back at the cat, for several seconds, in this silent battle to see who will act first.

Eventually, the cat loses interest and turns its head back to where it was facing and continues its walk to wherever it was heading.

By the edge of the state's border, I notice a thin makeshift wall lined across the border. Most of it had fallen on the ground so I step over the rubble and move on.

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