My Happy Ending(BoyxBoy)

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"Taylor, Taylor"

The voice of my boyfriend snapped me out of my thoughts. I spun around to face him, giving him a questioning look.

"Yes Erick?"

"Are you okay baby? You've zoned out" I nodded as I grabbed my hot chocolate and drink it.

He gave me a worried look before he went back to his friends. I turned to watch the trees swayed back and forth by the strong cold winds from the early winter. It must've be nice being free like the wind.

Erick was too busy talking with his friends that he didn't notice me walked out of the cafeteria. I didn't blame him for being too caught up with his conversation. I'm just glad that he has settled his problems with his friends after they heard what happened between the two of us.

I walked down the quiet hallway as my mind drifts to the memories when we first had a fight. Not exactly a fight, it's more to a break up. I just couldn't believe he did that to me. Even when we're now back together, my heart still felt aching after that incident he made.

I went out to the freezing school yard as I sat down under a large tree. It felt calm and peaceful, makes me want to forget everything that happens around me. Then again, it can't and we need to face the fact that everything can change even when we're not expected to.

It was a perfect spring when it happens and I was too stupid to realize it. I was walking down the hallway when I heard it. A girl said as I passed by her

"Hey, have you heard the latest gossip about those happy couple?"

"Yeah, I can't believe him. How dare he cheat on him? He has an adorable and perfect boyfriend. He was lucky to have him, but he chooses to cheat on him. Especially when he cheated with a girl"

I couldn't care less about the rumors since I'm not the type who likes to listen to other's people businesses. I walked down to my locker as I ignore the stares everyone giving me. I opened my locker hoping that Erick would come to comfort me from these eerie stares. But that turns out differently as I felt two hands covering my eyes.

"Guess who this is?"

"The Queen of England?" He chuckled

"Nah, it's her son, Prince David of England" as he took away his arm

I spun around and tackled him with a hug. He caught me and returned the hug. He laughed "You're such a baby"

"But I am your baby" giving him a cheeky smile

"Yeah, yeah, I love my baby"

"Fine, I guess I'm just another background character then" Brad interrupted us as we tackled him with a hug.

"Hey, hey, I asked for a hug, not to be strangled" we pulled away as we laughed

The bell rang as we all parted and went to our respective classes. I entered my class as I looked around but no luck. I couldn't find him anywhere even at his usual seat next to his friends. I sat down as I try to distract myself from thinking all the negative thoughts of why Erick hasn't come to class yet.

I grabbed my iPod as I turned it on. 'My happy ending' was played as I opened my math book and solve some algebra. The teacher came in a few minutes later and Erick still hasn't come yet. I tried to focus the whole lesson but my mind kept thinking over Erick. He never even once skipped class since we started dating.

The lesson ended and I was glad that my mind wasn't fully distracted over the thought of Erick's absentees. I walked down onto my next class and this time, I made sure before I entered my class, I put aside all my thoughts about Erick and focused on my studies.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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