Chapter 28

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Hyun mi's POV

I just stared at the city lights here from my balcony.

I feel so strange after what happened the other night. For fuck's sake, I went home that night crying the shit out of me. The cab driver even asked me if there's something he could help me with, it was so humiliating.

I just finished packing my things when I decided to admire the beautiful night view of Seoul.

Tomorrow, I'll be in a different country and all these will be gone. I'm waiting for Jungkook and Taehyung since they told me they'll come before I go.

I continued to stare at the view infront of me as I relive that night.

"How is he suppose to expect peace from me when he made me miserable?" I mumbled to myself.

"Where was he when I needed him the most? Why did he even lied to me?" I continued to talk to myself.

Those kisses we shared were far from what I imagined it to be. It was far from romantic. It was forced and even painful at the same time.

How can he even sleep at night knowing he did what he did to me?

I've turned off my phone after that night and just turned it on to check my brother's messages. I didn't even bother to look through Jimin's messages.

I went inside the kitchen and started to prepare beer as I opened my laptop to see if I can buy a new phone and have it delivered here tomorrow before my flight.

The doorbell rang and I immediately went there and opened it revealing not just my brother and Tae but also Yoongi and Hobi.

I bowed immediately greeting them as they enter and take off their shoes, slipping in the inside slippers.

"You didn't say your sister was pretty," Hobi said as he sits down on the counter.

"Oh please, she's not just pretty," Jungkook said while ruffling my hair.

They set the chicken and more beer in the counter as they make themselves at home.

This is nice, having a large family must be good. I just can't believe Bangtan is sitting casually on my living room.

We started eating and drinking when the doorbell rang again. This time, Yoongi was the one to open the door.

"Oh Joonie!" Hobi chirped as he gives Namjoon a bottle of beer.

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