The Adventure Continues ch. 11

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Chapter 11: The Adventure Continues

Avril's POV

What kind of horrid drawing am I looking at?

The great and awesome Edward Elric may have an intelligent brain, but he's definitely lacking in his art skills.. I mean, seriously.. Was I supposed to be looking at a drawing of Envy?

As I much as I wanted to snicker, I held it in; taking into consideration the adults who were pondering hard about the situation.

Ed had just finished relaying the story of our encounter with Envy and Lust at the lab to Hughes and Armstrong. As much as I wanted to stay, I had already told my side of the story (or at least as much as I wanted them to know) so I then excused myself to the bathroom.

The moment I opened the door, Danny nearly fell on top of me; obviously he was leaning on the door trying to listen in. He chuckled nervously while profusely apologizing, to which I replied by waving it off.

I really didn't need to go to the bathroom, I just wanted to walk around a bit and think things through. I watched the entire FMA and FMAB show so when it comes to upcoming events, I have an advantage. However, my memories are a bit fuzzy and that puts me at a disadvantage as well.

Arghhh! This sucks! The manga I brought only has one chapter so now I have to claw at my memories just to recall what happens next!

The tapping of feet came closer to me as I was still deep in thought. I was too lazy to look up until someone called my name.

"Avril, hi!"

Turning my eyes upward I saw none other then Winry Rockbell standing in front of me, all smiles. I groaned inwardly and then proceeded to weakly mimic her expression.

"Hey Winry", I replied, averting my gaze to an envelope in her hand. "What's that?" I pointed at the object, my curiosity arisen.

She glanced at the paper.

"Oh, I just finished buying the train tickets for you guys.. You're going to Dublith right?"

...Dublith.... I gasped.

It was around this time when Winry travelled with the Elric brothers because of some automail place that was close by.... I can't remember the name, but I won't let her know about it.

"Riighttttt... Dublith; I had forgotten about that", a grin was plastered across my face as I realized what I had to do.

The blonde girl looked past my shoulders in the direction I just came from.

"Isn't Ed's room that way?" She pointed behind me.

"Oh yeah... I was just going there now", I spun on my heels and began walking down the hallway in silence with Winry beside me.

It must have been awkward for her, but there wasn't really much I wanted to talk to her about.

"So how are those two doing? They aren't dragging you into anything unnecessarily stupid right?"

I looked at her, a bit surprised that she didn't stay silent.

"Nope, they're pretty fun to be with"


"They've taken quiet a liking to you", she spoke again.

I glanced at her to see she was smiling at me.

"Yeah I guess", I looked once more only to see that a solemn look had over took that happy expression.

As we walked again in silence, the door to Edward's room came in view. Maria and Danny, who were standing guard outside, looked pretty shaken up.

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