Don't lie to me

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I woke up and Hakeem was next to me, but he looked mad. Really mad. "Wassup baby?"

"Where were you last night?"

"At work."

"I called, they said you left at 5:00 which means you should have walked in at 5:30. You walked in at 11:00 what were you doing for 5 hours and thirty minutes?"

"I was at W.O.R.K."

"Stop lying."

"W.O.R.K is a program in in helping people! What's your problem?"

"I called there and they said you quit months ago. I don't like lying."

"Fine! If you must ruin it! I was setting up a party for your Birthday!"

"Oh. Sorry."

"It's Fine. I'm not mad. My job as a wife is to forgive always."

"That's why i love you."

"So. How's you and tianna."

"Man forget her."

"What happened?" I ask sitting up

"She got mad all over princess."

(Hakkem and tianna had twins named prince and princess with tianna being high risk only prince survived)

"Really? Why?"

"She was all like 'i lost her too Hakeem' and she went off all about how blake does this and does that but im not trippin' over either one of them."

"You know that's my sister. So you are going to still see her around."

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